you hear what he was yelling when we brought the big dummy in? imbecile or not, he deserves to fry for what he done. here. make your blood curdle. well, i'll be damned. there he is, big as billy-be-frigged. i thought brutal was pulling my leg. yeah. brute said he was in here last night begging for food, came right up to the desk. brave little bastard, gotta give him that. maybe he knows you're just a floater. gotta be an e block regular to feed the e block mouse, don'cha know. i was just kidding ab-- percy met your mouse. you also scared the living crap out of me and bill. and them. paul, we're not gonna have some cherokee medicine man in here whoopin' and hollerin' and shaking his dick, are we? do it quietly, you old gink! boy's doped to the gills. dean, hand me them clothes. william wharton! hey! i'm talking to you! put these clothes on! we thought he was doped. didn't we? didn't we all of us think he was doped? you believe this? son of a bitch pissed on me! holy christ, he's pitchin' a fit! we got other fish to fry just now, del, but you knock 'em for a loop. hold on now. you're talking about our jobs. sneak a sick woman onto a cellblock? let's not discuss this like it's even an option. brutal, help me out here. it is. let's not forget coffey's a murderer. what if he escapes? i'd hate losing my job or going to prison, but i'd hate having a dead child on my conscience even more. yeah, hot in here. day report says he's been okay. just up ahead. christ, he goes down, we'll need three mules and a crane to pick him up again. damn. i think we got away with it. s'right, one minute he's fine, the next--blammo. ma'am? better be a plan an imbecile could dream up. nobody'd believe it otherwise.