a low, static shot. green floor stretching before us. harry and bill dodge are at the desk b.g., doing paperwork and filing chores. percy is idling nearby, whistling softly and combing his hair. paul appears at bitterbuck's bars with a group of guards. while toot-toot takes bitterbuck's place in the cell. he's a wiry and toothless old trusty, crazy as a tick. he sits: and steps gingerly from the toilet. del's watching. paul watches the truck pull in. he draws away from the slot, proceeds toward the empty cell which used to be bitterbuck's. and he walks onto the mile with a bundle wrapped in a dish towel. brutal glances up from the desk, sniffing the air. harry is walking the mile, doing a cell check and jotting on a clipboard. he pauses, making a notation. billy's back in his cell, quiet for a change. toot-toot is outside the bars, mopping the floor. billy notices a chocolate moon pie in toot's shirt pocket. paul and brutal appear at del's bars with harry and dean. and they're still chatting a short time later, waiting for del's return. percy actually looks happy for a change, feeling genuinely accepted for the first time.