paul? no. there's just this big empty spot in the bed where my husband usually sleeps. worried about melinda and hal? is that what's got you up? things. do i want to hear what he did? why don't you come to bed? i've got something to help you sleep, and you can have all you want. you see doc sadler yet? poor old guy. what? that bad? hi, honey. how are you feeling? what did the doctor say? paul? what are you doing? i know what it feels like. it feels great. but. paul. those must've been some pills. paul? not that i'm complaining. but we haven't gone four times in one night since we were nineteen. you wanna tell me just what the hell's going on? you sure you ought to do this? i know. honey? if you don't say what's on your mind, i'm afraid i'll have to smother you with a pillow. oh. when he came home, he was. all better. melinda? oh, paul. you really think you can help her? the finest. you saw him. you actually saw this wild bill person take those girls. then you can stop it. the execution, i mean. get coffey a new trial. show this farmer--what's his name, detterick?--show him a picture of wild bill. why not? if wharton was there. if the farmer can identify his picture and they know he was there. then lie. tell them wharton confessed to the crime. brutus, you can back him up, say you heard it too. you can say that's what set percy off. he shot wharton because he couldn't stand thinking of what happened to those two little girls, it snapped his mind. . what? what now? but he was there! he painted their barn! he ate dinner with them! all right. then you've got to get john coffey out on your own. you did it once, didn't you? only this time, don't bring him back. work out a plan. make it look like a real escape. why not? just why the hell not? do you mean to kill him, you cowards? do you? don't touch me! next week this time you'll be a murderer, no better than that man wharton, so don't touch me! i'm so sorry i called you a coward. i feel worse about that than anything i've ever said to you in our whole marriage. does hal know? that coffey's innocent, i mean? can he help? does he have the influence to do something about this? then don't tell him. if he can't help, don't tell him. ever. there's no way out of this for you, is there? hell? oh paul. talk to him. talk to john. find out what he wants.