oh, my. let go. i got it off the wall there. there's a whole row of them. i just borrowed it. don't see what harm it does. i'm sorry if i broke the rules. you're hurting me! nothing. i just walk, that's all, i like to walk! mr. dolan and i were. chatting. about the weather. i think we're through now. that might just provoke him all the more, make things worse for everybody. ellie, please. it's okay. i'll be okay. i guess sometimes the past just catches up with you, whether you want it to or not. it's silly. i haven't spoken of these things in a long time, ellie. over sixty years. yes. yes you are. i ever tell you i was a prison guard during the depression? did i mention i was in charge of death row? that i supervised all the executions? they usually call death row the last mile, but we called ours the green mile, because the floor was the color of faded limes. we had the electric chair then. old sparky, we called it. i've lived a lot of years, ellie, but 1935 takes the prize. that was the year i had the worst urinary infection of my life. that was also the year of john coffey, and the two dead girls. christ. gimme a minute. for a man pissing razor blades. with a new arrival? you know better. besides, it's not as bad as it was. i think it's clearing up. never you mind, del, you just keep your nose quietly on your business. why's that? can't be bigger than you. jeezus, pleeze-us, what the hell's he yelling about? percy, that's enough. am i gonna have trouble with you, big boy? percy. they're moving house over in the infirmary. why don't you go see if they could use some help? why don't you just go make sure? i don't care where you go, percy, as long as it's not here at this very moment. goddamn it, percy! get the hell off my block! we'll get it looked at, del, now keep yourself quiet like i said! if i let harry take those chains off you, you gonna be nice? your name is john coffey. so you can spell, can you? my name is paul edgecomb. if i'm not here, you can ask for mr. terwilliger, mr. howell, or mr. stanton. those gentlemen there. this isn't like the rest of the prison. it's a quiet place, we like to keep it that way. you having a joke on me, john coffey? your time here can be easy or hard, depends on you. if you behave, you get to walk in the exercise yard every day. it's pretty bright in here all night long. we keep half the lights burning in the corridor. right out there. dean, run delacroix up to the infirmary and see if his fingers are broken. how could i miss it, harry? the whole prison heard. i'll chew that food when i have to. right now i wanna hear about the new inmate. aside from how big he is, okay? seems meek enough. looks like they sent us an imbecile to execute. jesus. i'm just about done. how's that pretty gal of yours? doctor still think it's migraines? if it's something they can see with an x-ray, maybe it's something they can fix. you didn't come all the way down here just to hand me a d.o.e. it is. little percy called his aunt and squealed like a schoolroom sissy. he also mention he assaulted a prisoner this morning out of sheer petulance? broke three fingers on eduard delacroix's left hand. the man is mean, careless, and stupid. bad combination in a place like this. sooner or later, he's gonna get somebody hurt. or worse. easy enough to say. we can't watch him every minute, hal. the mental hospital? then why's he still here? he could get that application pushed through. hell, with his connections, he could have any state job he wants. tell you what i think. i think he just wants to see one cook up close. of course. you give melinda my love, okay? i bet that x-ray turns out to be nothing at all. hey, you. music too loud? he said to tell you he's having a little trouble with that tonight. yeah, that. things. got a new inmate today. big, simple-minded fella. no. one sleepless member of this family's enough. the things that happen in this world. it's a wonder god allows it. don't i wish. i've still got something wrong with my waterworks, i don't want to pass it on. no, because he'll want me to take sulfa tablets and i'll spend the rest of the week puking in every corner of my office. it'll run its course all by itself, thank you very much for your concern. he's doing a cell check. all right. let's get the damn mouse. it was a dream. go back to sleep. can't put anything over on you. dean, watch the door. he tries to get past you, whack him. you let him get past you. yeah, that's right. that's the last we'll see of him. you little son of a bitch. percy. you want to think about what you were doing just now. men under strain can snap. hurt themselves. hurt others. that's why our job is talking, not yelling. you'll do better to think of this place like an intensive care ward in a hospital-- we all know who your connections are, percy. . but you ever threaten a man on this block again, we're all gonna have a go. job be damned. get all this shit back in the restraint room. you're cluttering up my mile. arlen? your daughter and her family are here. let's move. i want at least two rehearsals before he gets back. arlen bitterbuck, step forward. is his head properly shaved? i'll take that for a yes. all right, arlen, let's go. toot, you have to wait till i tell you to pray. okay, pray. well, actually-- as i was saying, i don't believe they actually shake their dicks, harry. be that as it may, mr. bitterbuck is a christian, so we got reverend schuster coming in. on your feet, toot. you've prayed enough for one day. watch and learn. shut up, brutal. that goes for everybody. i want quiet in here. toot, another remark like that, i'll have van hay roll on two for real. that's why i don't like it. tomorrow night we're doing this for real. i don't want somebody remembering a stupid joke like that and getting going again. ever try not laughing in church once something funny gets stuck in your head. same goddamn thing. all right, let's go again and do it right this time! get that idiot out of the chair. i just about believe that very thing. it'll be fine. you'll do fine. you, percy. always you. why not just move on? go to briar ridge. yeah, i know about it. sounds like a good job. what's with you? seeing a man die isn't enough? you gotta be close enough to smell his nuts cook? if i say no? delacroix? that you? you are not gonna believe this. we see that. mr. jingles? i notice your english gets better when you want something. yes, that's the one. only del says his name is mr. jingles. del was just asking for a box. he thinks the mouse will sleep in it, i guess. that he might keep it for a pet. what do you think? man said get a cigar box. hal? you wanted to see me? hal? oh god. oh god. i'm going. to the doctor. i'm going. today. just as soon as we get the new inmate squares away. oh yeah. got things to tend to just now, john coffey. you be still in your cell now, y'hear? let him go! hit him, percy! goddamn it, hit him! you didn't ask? i guess that's not a mistake you'll be need to make again anytime soon, is it? grab his arms! you too, percy! percy, goddamn it, get your feet out of cement and help us out here! get dean looked at right away, make sure he's all right. i've got the mile till you all get back. go on now. this is not a good time, john coffey. not a good time at all. i'm alone here right now, john. figure this is close enough. mind your business, del. what do you want, john coffey? what are you. doing? del, chrissake, settle down, i'm fine. john? john, what's wrong? what did you do, big boy? what did you do to me? yes, but. how? you're imagining thing. lie down, del. get you some rest. um. not too bad. oh, you know doctors. gobble-de- gook mostly. what's it feel like? well. thing is. i never actually got to the doctor yesterday. brutal? listen. i'm thinking of taking the morning off sick. you cover the fort for me? that's swell. thanks. yeah, i'm sure i'll feel better. okay. i'm not sure what i'm sure of. yes, ma'am, a cold drink would be fine. thank you. mr. hammersmith. your office said i'd find you at home today. i hope i'm not troubling you. paul edgecomb. i'm the e block superintendant at cold mountain. that's why i'm here. i'd like to ask you about one of them. john coffey. no, can't say he is. he doesn't like the dark. he cries on occasion. other than that. i read the court transcripts. thank you, missus. i've wondered if he ever did anything like that before. no. but a man who does a thing like that has often developed a taste for it over time. occurred to me it might be easy enough to follow his backtrail and find out. a man his size, and colored to boot, can't be that hard to trace. how do you explain that? he's. strange, i admit. but there doesn't seem to be any real violence in him. i know violent men, mr. hammersmith. i deal with 'em day in and day out. do you? yet you defended him. i'm listening. i'm sorry for your trouble. no, it's not for you. it's from my missus. she wanted to thank you. you know. for helping me. several times. it's yours, john. you do with it as you please. it's yours, john. as you please. courtesy of the gentleman across the way. you'll keep a civil tongue on my block. you get that one for free. but that's the last one. we've been looking to clear that room out anyway. c'mon, wild bill. little walky walky. he'll be fine, boys. trust me on this one. the moon pie thing was pretty original. gotta give him that. del, grab your things. big day for you and mr. jingles. important folks heard about your mouse, wanna see him perform. not just guards, either. one of them's a politician all the way from the state capital, i believe. let's move along briskly, folks. there's not much time. very good. very professional. well? wharton! what happens on the mile, stays on the mile. always has. what about dean? he's got a little boy would love a pet mouse, i bet. all right, i'll take him. he whisper that in your ear? yeah, that's right. tallahassee. just down the road apiece from the dog university. might. he's pretty smart. brute, come along with me. you fellas go on back to you cribbage game. the mouse is fine. just fine. you're no better at mouse-killing than anything else around here. aren't you glad mr. jingles is okay? after all our talks about how we should keep the prisoners calm? aren't you relieved? no game. see for yourself. we're the people you work with, percy, but not for long. i want your word. i put you out front for del, you put in your transfer to briar ridge the very next day. go ahead. i promise you'll leave your share of blood on the floor. no. but four men will swear you stood by while wild bill tried to strangle dean to death. about that people will care, percy. even your uncle the governor will care. i put you out front, you put in your transfer. that's the deal. you make a promise to a man, you shake his hand. eduard delacroix, will you step forward? yes, del? del. i can't have a mouse on my shoulder while. you know. it's dry! jack! no! roll, for christ's sake, roll! no water! no water! you crazy? he's still alive! you want me to shut down while he's still alive? you watch, you son of a bitch! kill it! dean, get doc's stethoscope. brutal, no! delacroix's dead, nothing can change that, and percy's not worth it! can he carry a tune, hal? percy fucked up, hal. pure and simple. don't you think it should be? he'll be putting in a transfer request to briar ridge tomorrow. moving on to bigger and better things. isn't that right, percy? you're about ten seconds away from spending the rest of your life in the padded room. yes. poor old del. john, are you okay? what do you mean? you could hear it? is that what you mean? where's mr. jingles? me too, john. me too. i hate this. what a bad day? swears. i'm thinking i love you. i'm thinking i don't know what i'd do if you were gone. i'm also thinking i'd like to have the boys over tomorrow. you saw what he did with the mouse. he did it to me too. he put his hands on me and took my bladder infection away. i am. it's not a bladder infection, or even a busted-up mouse. but there might be a chance. hal would never allow that. you know him, he wouldn't believe something unless it fell on him. what's happening to her is an offense, brutal. to the eyes and the ears and the heart. that's why it's a lot to ask. i don't think that'll happen. . in fact, i don't think he did it at all. i just can't see god putting a gift like that in the hands of a man who would kill a child. i understand. you think you deserve any? you gonna stay behaved? you promise me, or i'll drink it myself right here in front of you. cup. anybody wants to back out, now's the time. after this, there's no turning back. so? we gonna do this? payback. settle down, percy! so you've said. c'mon, stick out your arms like a good boy. the man's ripping your ears off, percy. i'd do as he says. you would think that. let you in on a little secret. we can and we are. you're going to have a few hours of quiet time now, so you can reflect on what you did to del. one more time--what do you say if somebody comes by? that's right. what about us? john, come along! right now, y'hear? c'mon! toward that door! lie down on this. it'll be easier for you and no harder for us. shhh. john, you have to be quiet now. c'mon, big boy, keep moving. they seem. drawn to you. c'mon, big boy. upsy-daisy. john? do you know where we're taking you? that's right. help a lady. but how did you know? too late now. harry, keep john here until we call you. hal, it's us! it's paul and brutal--it's us! hal, god's sakes, take your finger off the trigger. no one's hurt. we're here to help. i can't explain what it is. you just have to trust me. yes. it was clear. there was no tumor. john? can you turn around? can you turn around and see this lady? c'mon, john, stay on your feet. if that's his choice, he's earned it. let's get him back on the mile. john, we're gonna set you on your bunk now. ready? yes. yes it was. get his stuff. i want to talk, not shout. i take the tape off, you gonna be calm. in a minute. you shut up and listen. you deserved to be punished for what you did to del. you'll accept it like a man, or we'll make you sorry you were ever born. we'll tell people how you sabotaged del's execution-- --and how you pissed yourself like a frightened little girl. yes, we'll talk, that's a given--but, percy, mind me now. we'll also see you beaten within an inch of your life. we know people, too, are you so foolish you don't realize that? people with friends and loved ones doing time in this prison. people who'd be happy to amputate you nose or your penis just so someone they care about could get an extra three hours in the exercise yard every week. let bygones be bygones. nothing's hurt so far but your pride. and nobody need ever know about that except the people in this room. think it over, percy. easy, easy. you all right? why wild bill? why? what? saw what? no. please. no. it makes sense. i read the file. hal even said it himself. wharton rambled all over the state last few years, causing trouble. hell, longer than that. been at it since he was ten. vandalism. petty theft. setting fires. their father hired him on for a few days last spring, help repair the barn. cheap labor, just another drifter. sick bastard came back a month later, just before dawn. took the girls. did what he did. coffey found them afterwards and tried to help. it was too late. based on what, honey? some kind of magical vision i had? they got their killer as far as they're concerned. lie? about what? all the more reason he might take credit for the crime. he's gonna fry anyway, so why not boast? because he's a six-foot-eight-inch baldheaded black man with barely enough brains to feed himself. how long you think it'd be before he was recaptured? two hours? six? even that time we went camping and you called me old stinky sam? no. i won't. no. i've been thinking about it, too, believe me. tell you the truth, honey. i've done some things in my life i'm not proud of, but this is the first time i've ever felt in real danger of hell. hello, john. i guess you know we're coming down to it now. another couple of days. is there anything special you'd like for dinner that night? we can rustle you up most anything. what about a preacher? someone you could say a little prayer with? me? s'pose i could, if it came to that. john, i have to ask you something very important right now. i do. i do have to. john, tell me what you want me to do. you want me to take you out of here? just let you run away? see how far you can get? on the day of my judgement, when i stand before god, and he asks me why did i kill one of his true miracles, what am i gonna say? that is was my job? my job? yes, john. i think i can. john, i should have that just for now. i'll give it back after. did you, john? what should we pray for, john? god, please help us finish what we've started, and please welcome this man, john coffey--like the drink, but not spelled the same-- into heaven and give him peace. please help us to see him off the best we can and let nothing go wrong. amen. you go right ahead, john. take all the time you need. wipe you face before you stand up, dean. roll on one. john coffey. you have been condemned to die in the electric chair by a jury of your peers. sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state. do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out? all right, john. is staring at coffey, unable to say the words. roll on two. that was the last execution i ever took part in. just couldn't do it anymore after that. brutal either. we both transferred out, took jobs with boys' correctional. that was all right. catch 'em young, that became my motto. might even have done some good. you don't believe me. it's quite a story. the math doesn't work, does it? you feel up to a walk? there. it's in there. scary? no. not really. there. hey. wake up, old boy. wake up. come over here, boy. come on over her and see this lady. messieurs et mesdames. beinvenue au cirque du mousie. but he loves it so much. this isn't exactly the mouseville we had in mind. but we make do, don't we, old fella? don't hurt him, okay? okay? you leave him alone, percy! you leave him alone, or by god i'll-- is your grandson really speaker of the house? you gonna thank the lady? she just saved your old mousie hide. i think mr. jingles happened by accident. i think when we electrocuted del, and it all went so badly. well, john could feel it, you know. and i think a tiny part of whatever was inside of him just leapt out. me, i was no accident. john had to give me a little part of himself. a gift, like. so i could see for myself what wild bill had done. when john did that, a part of whatever power worked through him spilled into me. that's as good a word as any. he infected us both, didn't he, mr. jingles. with life. i'm a hundred and five years old, elaine. i was forty the year john coffey walked the green mile. i haven't even had a cold since 1935. i've had to watch my friends and loved ones die off through the years. hal and melinda. brutus howell. my wife. my son. . and you, elaine. you'd die, too, and my curse is knowing i'll be there to see it. that's my punishment, you see? my punishment for letting john coffey ride the lightning. for killing a miracle of god. you'll be gone, like all the others, and i'll have to stay. i'll die eventually, i imagine. i have no illusions of immortality. but i will have wished for death long before death finds me. in truth, i wish for it already. mr. jingles? where you been, boy? i've been worried about you. you hungry? i lie in bed most nights, thinking about it. and i wait. i think about all the people i've loved, now long gone. We each owe a death, there are no exceptions, but sometimes, oh God, the Green Mile is so long.