dead man walking! dead man walking here! dead man walking! dead man walking! dead man-- they got all the men they need. wiped that grin off your shitpoke face, didn't i keeps combing his hair, unaware. still grooming himself, still unaware. keeps working that comb--and freezes at the sound of a tiny squeak. his head swivels slowly. fuck! it's in here somewhere! i'm gonna squish the little son of a bitch! what? whad'ja say? i know what i was doing. trying to get the mouse. you blind? so what? they aren't in cradle- school, case you didn't notice. i think of it as a bucket of piss to drown rats in. that's all. anybody doesn't like it can kiss my ass. how's that sit? try it. you'll be on the bread lines before the week is out. big talk. you done? what do i do? what's with the sponge? adios, chief. drop us a card from hell, let us know if it's hot enough. what's up his ass? you gotta hate the new boy? that the way it is around here? i might take it, too. soon as you put me out front. you heard me. i want brutal's spot for the next execution. i wanna be out front, is all. just one time. then you'll be rid of me. i might just stick around for good, make me a career of this. well, well. looks like you found yourself a new friend, eddie. that the one i chased? is that so? i think it'll shit up his nose some night and run away, but i guess that's del's lookout. we oughtta find a cigar box. get some cotton batting from he dispensary to line it with. that should do real nice. hellraiser, huh? looks more like a limp noodle to me. hey! hey, you! you been declared competent! know what that means? mean's you're gonna ride the lightning, son! bzzzzzzzzt-zap! just like that! how's it feel to know you're gonna die with your knees bent? roll on two. well, that's just aces. pop back in your cell, old-timer. del! hey, you numb wit, i didn't mean nothin' by it! you all ri-- you talk about this to anyone, i'll get you all fired. i swear that to god. you keep laughing, you french- fried faggot. you just keep laughing. knew i'd get him sooner or later. just a matter of time, really. don't start in on me. it was just a mouse. never belonged here in the first place. you expect me to believe that? i heard the goddamn thing crunch. what kind of game is this? you switched them! you switched them somehow, you bastards! you're playing with me, the both of you! just who the hell do you think you are-- my word? what if i just call up certain people and tell them you're harassing me? bullying me? over a mouse? you think anyone's gonna give two shits? roll on one. eduard delacroix, you have been condemned to die by a jury of your peers, sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state. you have anything to say before sentence is carried out? no such place. that's just a fairy tale these guys told you to keep you quiet. just thought you should know, faggot. takes the sponge and bends down to the bucket of brine. the other don't see it, but we do: electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead, in accordance with state law. god have mercy on your soul. roll on two. i didn't know the sponge was supposed to be wet-- i didn't know the sponge was supposed to be wet. what is this? let go of me! let go! let go, you ignoramus! i know people! big people! i won't. and you can't make me. please, paul. don't put me in with wild bill. please. that's more than i can say about your jobs. all your jobs! you can't do this to me! you can't! get me out of this nut-coat. now! now! right n-- sabotaged! may i be let out of this coat now? my things? oh, i intend to. i intend to think about it very hard. starting right now. sits handcuffed on the floor of the mile, eyes glassier than wild bill's. two cops are trying to snap him out of it: