i. want. to -- then, suddenly, the transformation takes hold, in thrashing jekyll-and-hyde histrionics that send the gremlin rolling on the floor. when he stands, he wears a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, and speaks fluently in a new voice, similar to that of nibs:: brings ! might i have a brief word' with you? the= t qrenlin:looks curiously at him. my friend, you have. potential. i want to help you be all that you can be. may i? as he continues talking, he plucks the intravenous tube from the bat's body, and happily jams the needle into the. bat gremlin's skin. the bottle with the sunshine logo on it drains quickly. you have wings, my friend. flap them. the bat gremlin does -- and takes off, soaring near the ceiling as the twin scientists chase. him. to the window, my friend! a world of possibilities opens itself to you! throw off the old constraints. the bat gremlin wings toward one of the polarized glass windows. there it is. the apple. the city so nice they named it twice. check it out one time -- won't you? .and smashes through it, leaving a jagged bat silhouette in the glass behind him. the other gremlins shrink from the invading rays of sunlight, but the bat gremlin flies free. yes, i'd say it's a full-scale panic. are you having a run on the banks there yet? well, it's rather brutal here . we're advising our clients to put everything they've got into canned food and shotguns. . yes. the ticker display on the wall speeds up, going nuts. fred, what we want is, i think, what everyone wants, and what you and your viewers have -- civilization, the niceties, fred. the fine points. diplomacy. compassion. standards, manners, tradition. that's what we're reaching toward. oh, we may stumble along the way, but -- civilization, yes. the geneva convention. chamber music. susan sontag. everything your society has worked so hard to accomplish over the centuiries -- that's what we aspire to. we want to be civilized. i mean, you take a look at this fellow here. on tv, a dopey-looking gremlin wanders into frame, grinning stupidly, waving at fred's o.s. camera. the brain gremlin reaches out of frame, comes back with a gun, and shoots the dopey gremlin. the bar gremlins love it. now, was that civilized? no. clearly not. i fun, but in no sense civilized. on tv, fred starts backing nervously away from the armed gremlin. is everybody here? a cheer of assent from the gremlins. all right then. the brain gremlin holds a sportscoat over one shoulder, frank sinatra--style. as he nears the doors, he starts singing "new york, new york," with the gremlins singing the backup horn part behind him€˛ it's up to you, new york, new -- .but before he can open it, water splashes onto the lobby's doors, its windows, its floor. .and the gremlins, delighted, turn to catch the spray. their skin starts to bubble. camera finds miniature gremlins in the bubbles, as the lobby fills with the rising smoke and light of gremlin replication.