does that mean you -- he's interrupted as mr. wing coughs -- a rattling spasm that sounds deeply unhealthy. when the coughing subsides, he answers forster. keep the tv. as mr. wing walks clamp's men to the door in b.g., hold on the tv set -- and a small, furry paw that reaches into frame to change the tv channel. with the change of stations, the tv screen fills with a scene from a rambo picture. sylvester stallone addresses the movie you hear that cough? the guy must be eighty -- maybe ninety. we can wait. yes sir. i'm doing a decor compliance check this morning. tonight i'm doing a random drug search, and -- he's interrupted as an aging man in a dracula costume comes over to the cabinet and tries to address clamp over the tv hookup. we're busy. i said -- we're busy. it looks like somebody hasn't( i employee manual. d ' 1 it, r as he speaks, forster opens a ¿½therette folder and takes out a bar-code reading wand attached to the folder by curly cable. he runs the wand over the bar-code on billy's chest, and reads from an lcd display in the 0 folder. -- peltzer. unauthorized potted plant -- possible aphid infestation. as forster's assistant jots on his clipboard, billy puts the plant in a desk drawer, and forster spots billy's drawing on his partition. what ig this? mister peltier, do you know how much the clamp organization has spent to provide its employees with art by recognized artists at this facility? eye-resting. color-coordinated. authorized, a little touch, yes. maybe eyerybods here would like to do some little touches. coffee mugs that say "world's greatest lover." the cute little hula doll they bought in hawaii. the "snoopy" comic that just says it jj1. you'd like that, wouldn't qu, mister peltzer? d 1 coming to work every day in a jy_q hundred million dollar flea marks xzz he turns to move on. 0 let me hear the voices. the technician brings up voices on a speaker. they sound like voice-overs on slick tv commercials. that's fine -- yes, mister clamp. that's terrific, sir. yes sir. tall! i'll -- but a camp logo ;ills the monitor screen, and clamp's face disappe rs behipo- it. forster turns and looks over a technician's shoulder at a monitor. a spy camera shows a stressed-out employee lighting a cigarette in a storeroom. we have a problem communicating here? you're gone. clean out the desk. one hour. thanks so much. he puts down the mike, and moves on to lczg¿½. ¿½aatier°`t4`s'"sioul"d?r p switch marked oxygen. ' at four o'clock, people go into a slump. then we give them oxygen, you're wetting my shoes, peltzer. billy sees forster, sees the shoes, grabs a paper towel and is about to drop to his knees. stand up, peltzer. come with me. billy grabs the tool box and follows forster out the door. as they go into the anteroom, forster's clipboard-carrying assistant joins them. # do you know what that eans, peltzer? what is the man holding? on the sign, peltzer. that's right. because this -- is the executive washroom. i don't think you belong in there, do you peltzer? what's in the box, peltzer? hm. i think our "random" drug search later on should be very interesting. hah! good boy! i knew we'd find something in this guy's desk -- -- but as they reach billy's desk, they find daffy's paint paw prints tracking crazily over every surface. the dog keeps going bananas, but it's not drugs he smells -- it's the dander of the recently departed daffy. look at this mess! what kind of footprints are these? he's bringing pets to work. i don't believe this guy-it's not just plants. he's got to have 1,_. e s t ock . oh, we do? why's that? this is drugs. it's got to be. you're on a groovy little trio, aren't you, peltzer? well, let me tell you something, mister flower child -- "the rules." i can't believe this. what the hell's going on? mister clamp, there's a situation in -- my god, what -- he should be in custody. he's dangerous. yeah? ask him how he knows so much about these -- green things. me? um, but there might be -- the hell is he talking about? get it off me -- but dr. catheter is rushing to a cabinet at the back of the lab.