excuse me. mister clamp, could i speak with you for a -- i just need a -- forster snaps the cabinet shut. tonight's movie is so scary -- the people who saw it when it came out in the theaters twelve years ago are just learning how to speak simple phrases and eat solid food again! that's right'. talk about scary' it's a good thing your grandpa fred is here with you -- he waits for something he expected to hear, but it doesn't happen. he breaks character. a mistake? kid. it's a disaster. people that watch tv at three-thirty in the morning are not scared of the wolfman. the only thing that scares those people is getting sober and finding work. watch it with that thing. billy puts the bat on top of a cobwebbed tv set that's part of grandpa fred's set. frankly, kid, this was not what i had in mind. i went into broadcasting, i wanted to do news. public affairs. something meaningful. all the great horror movies are in black and white. mister clamp only likes color. i donky ven have a gimmick. no species effects. a puppet that c s out of a box -- whoopee. that's the moan? oh, renfield, you want some -- all the great horror movies are in black and white. mister clamp only likes color. that guy is str___._. ange. well, of in person, but -- just to this building. you know wha v t nd f tenants they have here? there' esearch laboratory upat t2 -- tenet,] c research. foolin d with animals, cutting thl .last you. got that right, kid. have you heard these voices they have here now? don't look at me like that. you know that white noise they play all the time? the static? sure. but if you listen to it -- there are little voices in there. sure. you're young. you know everything. billy and kate arrive at the newsstand, where billy grabs four souvenir flashlights in the shape of the building. tonight we've got a classic horror movie, from grandpa fred's special dungeon -- fred is interrupted by a moan -- not the normal weak moan on the tape, but a genuinely scary gremlin moan. he turns around, and sees a grinning gremlin emerge from behind the prop tombstone. as fred heads back there, two other gremlins join the first one, and the three of them watch him intently. uh. .i don't. one of the gremlins takes the reel of film from fred, unreels a little from the loose end and holds it up. a second gremlin looks at a frame -- mimes terrified shock, then clutches his chest and falls back onto the floor. the of e%.gremlins laugh. uh -- grandpa fred and his friends have something horrible in store for you tonight. the gremlins nod in gleeful agreement. hey! can you work a tv camera? katsuji smiles proudly. this invasion by strange creatures, perhaps from another galaxy. or a dimensional warp. and, just a moment ago, in a spine-t. 1 ing, blood-chilling incident -- -- uh, they continue to plague this troubled structure throughout what has been a turbulent and tumultuous afternoon. -- who is able to talk, and he's going to talk with us now. i think the main question people have is -- what is it you want? the brain gremlin answers in his usual cultured tones, sounding lucid. well . uh, of course that could be argued different ways. as the bar gremlins live it up 'va e pans to the front doors of the it seems incredible, but following their bl _urdijnif rampage a destruction, these creatures are now mounting what appears to be a production number. we're here exclusively with -- clamp waves fred and katsuji to a stop. fred lowers the mike. um -- nobody, sir. it just -- seemed like news, and i.,. you're making me -- ? uh -- right. what does a men's wear makeover cost in manhattan today? join us, as we iny,estigate. 0 billy and the othefs'c ¿½ off the stairs from the mezzanine, and go over to join clamp. ,