i should be finished by six tonight. if we go straight from work, we can make the early bird special at the movies.
mister futterman must be getting better, if he can travel.
i guess having a bunch of monsters drive a snow plow through jour living room could kind of that to you. he almost got kied.
billy. i don't think we're getting the hang of new york.
a lot of people aren't as thered by that kind of thing as you are, billy.
that's okay. we don't have to wait.
i didn't get you the job, i just heard about it. billy, you can get promoted and stuff if you want to, but you have to act like you deserve it. let people know you're there.
uh-uh. they use a regular door instead.
don't let things get to you.
the clamp centre is the most advanced "smart building" in america, with the latest, in security, communications, and climate control. if you'll follow me over here.  still talking, she takes them toward a staircase.
the clamp centre is just one part of mister clamp's round-the-world business network, which includes construction, sports, finance, and a popular line of jams and jellies. and, of course, as those of you who have cable tv at home know, the clamp cable network. 20 int. cable studios 4,t1iol room 20 close on a video image oft v with marge show. marge 0 takes a dish from one of many ' r ovens on her set.
hi! i'm almost ready --
what's wrong?
oh, damn.
in the middle of the night?
take him ham? billy, this is nuts. if those things start running around in new york --
can't he just -- go back where you found his?
billy said to take you home. you'd better stay in my purse till we get out of the building.
billy said to make sure and feed you before midnight.  as she arranges chicken and mashed potatoes on a plate, daffy spots a blender next to him. he recoils from it -- then, with an evil grin, he shoves it off the counter while kate's back is turned, breaking it. when she turns and looks, daffy has an innocent loops" expression on his face.
oh, god-you have to be careful here, okay, gizmo? we don't have the money to replac things. daffy nods contritely. ka ings him the food.
i don't know what billy sees in you. daffy whoops, grabs more chicken, and resumes eating.
it's in the kitchen. billy -- she follows him to the kitchen.
yes --
in your office -- near that drawer, where you said -- billy, look out! too late -- daffy lobs a single-serving pudding-pack at billy. it bursts on impact, staining his shirt.
billy -- you said there weren't going to be those --
what about -- him?
about what?
who could it be this late?
mister futterman! mrs. futterman.
no, no, that's okay. would you like some coffee, or --
i believe you.
it's along here.  they come to a deep, square recess in the wall. inside is massive machinery -- pipes, pumps, meters -- surrounded by a
this is where the water comes into the building.
it was easy -- i just gave them a next month's rent.
billy, what if they're already -- suddenly, the lobby lights dim, d billy looks up. billy t.0 they are. come on.
don't do any explaining right now, okay? i'm too mad. a guide calls kate from the guide office.
excuse me. i have to go to work now.
0 billy -- if we all get through today alive, you're in h,g, trouble.
sir -- i'm sorry, but you have to keep up with the rest of the group.
uh, if we're very quiet, we can go in here and watch a program being videotaped.
0 is billy peltier there, please?
thank you.
thirty-eight. but the voice that croaks back isn't the usual elevator voice.
i could just leave you there. it seems to be good for your attitude.
it'll do. she reaches into her purse, and pulls out a swiss army knife. but as she starts cutting marla down, marla sees something else, and screams --
billy -- what happened to him?
i am now.
please --
i'm sorry, it's -- lincoln's birthday. something terrible happened on lincoln's birthday one year, and ever since then.
billy, they're going to the doors.  billy points at the dark-glass windows over the lobby.
billy, we've got to do something.
oh god -- i think so --
here -- atpn't let him get wet. does it bit from the box, gizmo twitteje&entfully.
tap into the pbx. .back through the voice mail module . main switchboard.  into the ethernet.  five-digit code --
it's our home town.
it's terrific.
of course, for billy to do a whole
you understand him? billy, surprised, realizes that he does.
well, what did he say?