r r e l_ well, doctor. the twins talk in rapid e nation, as if they share a brain. lewis t a say, doctor, look at i think you'll find it interesting. following the sound of the crooning that caught the messenger's attention, they take catheter over to a lab table where the lights are lowered above a covered cage. martin pulls back the cloth to reveal gizmo, who stops singing and looks up at them. and it can't take bright light. that may be genetic. sorry, sir tissue culture hursday. this is the most interesting bio- electrical work i've ever been involved in. here you go, boy. he feeds the rat some liquid from a vial with a lightning-bolt insignia on its label. but if one of them could power a portable radio for a month. he throws the switch. the rat's eyes widen, then calm down as the current goes off. dr. catheter touches the rat, and quickly pulls his hand back from the electric shock. alvin! put down that dna! as the scientists chase the monkeys, billy hurries to gizmo's cage. he opens the cage, and his eyes meet gizmo's -- it's hard to say which of then is more excited. but the gala reunion will have to wait. billy scoops gizmo into his toolbox. he walks out of the lab, leaving the copier a mess. oh no.