we thought so too. the guys in my old outfit, they changed the date for the reunion. we tried to call boy, we tried to get a cab up here -- did you know they have rugsilan guys drivin' cabs in this burg? what if somebody gets in one of those cabs with a briefcase full of atomic secrets? is anyone thinking about that? aah, i'm fine. i was just a little jumpy for a while -- billy's daypack squeaks. billy slips the bag under his arm and squeezes it, forcibly quieting daffy. what's that? huh? billy realizes what sheila is talking about, as she takes out a handkerchief and dabs at the lipstick on his face. sure -- we'll just book into a } hotel. beautiful? looks like somethin' out of the dark ages. true, saint eva marie's architecture is on the vy side . as camera notices the ornate windows and the cor 'te topped with spooky stone gargoyles -- (¿½ wait a minute. that one there. that's ¿½' a`rgoyle. hey'. help! he flails at the gremlin, batting it away from him, but it keeps coming back -- as sheila stands back, too terrified to move -- it's them! help me! somebody help me! but the new yorkers on the sidewalk continue past him, oblivious. pjr. we have to tell billy! come on! sheila follows him. it's not fire in there -- it's gremlins. if you get water on 'em, they just mu1 in1v. you gotta let me in there. i know how to deal with it. you okay, billy? i knew you'd need help, kid. i wasn't gonna let you down. what's next? what's that? uh. thanks. gizmo responds with a quick, stallone-style nod, as kate and billy embrace. we'll stop 'em, billy. i'll tell you something -- ever since these guys attacked us, back in kingston fails, i've been scared it would happen again. but now that it happened. i'm_not seared. what's wrong? hey, these guys aren't bad -- if those guys get out there in the rain -- this town's going under for the third time. into the lobby? are you nuts? they tried it again, sheila. but we were ready for 'em. we're going home, guys. see you. the futtermans exchange goodbye waves with billy and kate, and leave. the reporters latch onto marla.