next. i can't cash this, m'am. your last check hasn't cleared. no, m'am. i'm sorry. t at's very nice, m'am. but your c eck hasn't cleared and. it's not my.fault your check didn't clear, m'am, i wasn't getting smart, i was. i. didn't do anything wrong. next. let me. he helps her on with the coat. you look very pretty today. i mean. .not that you don't look pretty every day. but you look especially pretty today. it's a book. you read 1t. billy exchanges a smile with tracy. gary isn't amused. king arthur. . .sir lancelot. knights of the round . table. dragons. pete. you okay? pete nods. billy helps him up. pete brushes himself off. billy is amused by the boy. you want a ride home? (energetic, en- here. you can borrow it. pete takes the book. hi, dorry. is it ready yet? dorry smiles. he reaches to a shelf behind the counter. he removes ,a long object, wrapped in a piece of green cloth. he rests it on the counter. what do i owe you? thanks, dorry. sighs.he hates to be called "honey". okay. yeah,.well it's none of your business. nervous,lynn popsvalfum with her wine. no. it isn't. i'm old enough to take care of that stuff myself. i'm old enough to get a place of my own. good. i think we should talk about it. no, it'll put you in a bad mood. lynn and billy exchange a glare. they look down at their food. a few silent, uncomfortable moments pass. lynn looks back to billy. she smiles. time for the tender approach. she touches his hand. stop calling me 'honey'. bit it's gonna take me another- year to finish my novel. . .and what if it doesn't get published? but what if it doesn't? are you gonna take care of me until i'm old and grey, working on my 25th unpublished novel?. hi, dad. they hold each other for a second. lynn closes the front door. rand picks up mogwai's case. lynn turn's to her husband. what is it? a.monkey? a rat?. what's that? sounds kind of creepy. barney still growls. maybe later. little bastard. mogwai scurries back to rand. he pets the creature, comforting it shut up. mogwai stops singing. billy goes back to his writing. mogwai.hops from the shelf. staying out of the direct light, the creature moves across the desktop and cuddles up to billy's arm. he jumps back. get off of me. mogwai just looks at him.`my desk. billy shines the bright.desk light into the creature's eyes. mogwai screams and jumps. off the desk, to the floor. billy looks down at the creature. stay down there. billy goes back to his work. mogwai is-bored. the creature leaps up to the bed. it sees the sword. mogwai lifts one end, examining it. it's too heavy. the sword slips off the bed and falls to the floor. billy turns. mogwai takes a step back. guilty. frightened. billy picks up the sword. the handle is chipped. you stupid little. billy raises the sword over.mogwai. he's ready to kill the tiny creature. mogwai loo] .s up at billy. the creature is shivering. it is frightened. it's big, green eyes are watery. billy suddenly feels sympathetic. he lowers the sword and picks up the.creature. starting work early today? we've got a half hour before work. wanna go have a cup of coffee? she.pauses and smiles. and if i sell the novel, i'll €be able to quit the bank. why paris? hey. don't give up on your dreams. they just might come true. tracy shrugs and takes a sip of coffee. can i ask you a personal question? what is it with you and gary? is he your boyfriend? do you think he is? so there's a possibility. i mean. i.just might have a chance with you? want some? a present from my dad. pete picks up the creature and pets it. pete likes mogwai. i dunno, pete. they must only multiply with plain tap water. huh? well, yeah. i guess so. pete grabs one of the creatures, taking it from the group. it cries out. in a high, piercing scream. the other creatures leap at pete. they grab the creature and bring it back to their group. dad. we don't know anything about these things. yeah, but isn't that pretty weird? i mean, if i throw water on¿½barney over there, we're not gonna;getjten copies. a creature licks rand's ear. he chuckles. huh? oh, christ. c'mo'i,dad. that's . don't you think we should have them checked out first? just to make sure. oh, hi gary. look, i'm kind of in a hurry. gary grabs billy by the collar and throws him against the car. well, you're the closest thing this town's got to a scientist. and i need some information about an animal. that's what i'm trying to figure out. watch this. billy squeezes a drop of water on one creature. mogwa' lets out a scream. a lump appears on the creature's back. the lump gets bigger. bigger. bigger . roy watches with wide eyes. suddenly, another creature bursts from mogwai's body. nine identical creatures now stand on the desk top. (nods, checks his anything else? forget it. billy stares coldly at his father. embarrassed, rand looks away. damn things are stuck to the floor. rand picks up a baseball bat. he raises it over his head and swings down, hard. against the pod. the bat snaps in two. the pod is unblemished. rand rubs his stinging hands. billy and rand just look at each other. puzzled. why did they attack my dog? screw'science. i want them des- troyed. dad, they killed barney. or have you already forgotten? rand just looks'at his son. lynn pops a valium in the background. now what do we do? i don't think we should wait. let's do it ourselves. next. hello, mrs. deagle. how are you this afternoon? (trying to stay mrs. deagle, i. mrs. deagle, i. i think you're an-ugly old fart and i; hope yo u fall down on the ice a td breath your fucking neck! mrs. deagle is sho ked. fi e other customers hide their laughter. gary smiles. tracy is proud. yeah?. mom. stay downstairs. i'll be right home. he drops the phone and runs out of the bank. gary exchanges a puzzled glance with tracy. nervous. sweating. behind the wheel of his car. he tries to drive fast, but the heavy snowfall and icy roads prevent it. outside, the sun is going down. still driving. he tries to pass a slow truck. he hits a is spot. tries to start it. nothing happens. it's stalled. no. not now. he tries again. no good. it's dead. frustrated, billy slams his fist on the steering wheel. ° sprints down his driveway. he arrives at the porch of his home. he opens the front door. mom?. scattered giggling echoes from inside. billy flips on the'front hall. light. a few tiny shadows scatter. they dash into other rooms. afraid of the light. billy'slowly enters. he's scared. he looks to the top of the stairs. mom?. more giggling. shaking'. nervous. billy climbs the stairs. at the top, he quickly flips on the bright hall light. something darts up into the darkness of the attic. escap- ing the light. billy spots the open attic door. he walks beneath it. he looks up into the dark attic. yes, could you connect me with the sheriff's office?. hello? . is this sheriff lucia?. hello?. it hisses. running through the snow. following mogwai's footprints. running through the backyards, following mogwai's footprints the carolers' singing echoes in the distance. running to the group of carolers. they are puzzled by the.sword in his hand, his tattered, bloody appearance. but they continue singing. billy follows the creatures' footprints behind the carolers , into the woods. several feet away, billy so-es mogwai the creature is on top of,pete's body billy rushes, to the scene. mogwai sees billy. the creature gets scared and dashes off. billy stops chasing the creature through the snow covered woods. know you're here. the flashlight stops on the gymnasium light box. the box is attached to a.farwall, beside. the swimming pool. colme on out. you bastard. it is silent again. billy is frightened. he walks faster, moving to the light box. billy hears another sound. he shines the light to another area. again. nothing. billy starts to tremble. he runs to the light box. gets there and quickly flips open the box. billy drops the flashlight and sword. the creature's sharp fingernails clutch onto billy's chest. billy falls backward, with mogwai holding onto him. they tumble into the swimming pool. the deep end. watches from the doorway. runs outof thegymnasium. sits in front of the two men. a serious, helpless look covers his face. frank leans toward billy. yes. that's right. (nods, displaying the bite on his it wasn't a dog, sir. my mother is dead. so is my friend. i am not imagining things. billy glares at frank. the sheriff sighs. he looks at officer brent. sheriff. you should radio for more help. . .warn the people in they're inside. brent checks his pistol. it's loaded. look. you can't go in there alone. it's'suicide. you've got to radio for more help. waits in the car. frightened. restless. he hears the gunshots. he moves faster, desperately hacking at the handcuff chain with his sword. sweating. nervous. hacking away at the handcuff chain. brent's screams fade in the background. billy looks out the side window. he sees panics. he hacks at the chain. harder. faster. finally breaks the handcuff chain. he quickly moves to the driver's seat and starts the car. drives faster. steers the patrol car into the first driveway. the car screeches to a stop. billy gets out. sword in hand, he runs to the front door of the house. he knocks. hard. you've got to keep your wind ws locked. or better yet. boa d them up! and your lights. you've got to leave them on! f+ mr. futters what are you talking about, boy? there are these little things. animals. they're all over the place! they'll kill you and your family!. mr. futters starts to laugh. no sir, i. yes. looks away. more creatures are. surrounding the car. they pound against the windows. they want in. a scared billy flips on the police radio. sheriff?. it's billy peltzer. can you hear me?!?. the creatures are all over town. breaking into houses. killing people. you've got to get help!. starts the engine. he squeals out of the driveway. shaky. nervous. behind the wheel of the police car. looks through his windshield. up ahead, he sees steers the police car into her driveway. he squeals to a stop. he grabs his sword and gets out of the car. tracy!. it's me! billy! i'll get him out. billy quickly opens the police car door. he jumps out. he's dead. tears fill gary's eyes. billy leads gary to the car. c'mon. just stay in the light. they're afraid of the light. gary walks. he looks scared. helpless. they get to the police car. billy opens the door. we're just outside of town. doesn't look like the creature's got here yet. let's go inside and warm up. they exit the police car. and they originate from this marketplace in hong kong. dorrystands and shakes his head. you see. they''re drawn to water. now, if my hunch is correct. they'll be leaving town, and heading for the water tower-which means they'll have to pass by here tonight. we have to get help. these things have to be kept under control. if they get to the water tower .they could spread all over the st ate. maybe the country. they're like inhuman divining rods. i did. but nobody would listen. that's not true. that isn't. yeah, and then i'd like to try and get in touch with my dad. if we can. they're here. a frightened gary holds tracy. do you have a place without win dows?. .a place where we could be safe? dorry pauses to think. we have to hurry. dorry leads everyone.out of we'll stay ere until daybreak. gary sits with tracy on an old sofa. dorry sits beside them in an¿½old rocking chair. billy pulls up an old wooden'chair. help me with this. gary and billy slide the cabinet in front of the door. that'llkeep them out. we're safe now. billy sits back. the ¿½oipjs contipue. dorrylook at ever y on well. i think you should all try and get some sleep. i'll watch the door. everyone agrees. billy moves his chair in front of the door. .dorry relaxes.inhis rocking chair. gary stretches out on the sofa, expecting tracy to cuddle with him. instead,"she walks:over to billy. sleeping in his chair. his hand still holds the sword on his lap. the others are asleep. billy's hand quivers. the sword drops to the floor. he wakes. startled. he quickly grabs the sword. everyone else wakes from the sound. everything's okay. i just dropped my sword. gary rubs his eyes. try. the phone. .see if we can get help. dorry walks back inside. gary flips on a transistor radio that has been sitting on the shelf. damn. how? the nearest town is fifteen miles away. in this? you won't get far. and-what happens when it gets dark? . and you're on the road. alone. gary says nothing. no. we have to stick together and fight these things. at least until we can get help. tracy folds her arms. okay. we 11 get something to eat. , them we go 1 to wjork. it's.possible. but it's more important to get at the creatures. we've got the advantage now. it's daylight. no. but they're all gathered in one place. and the sun rose before they could make it to the water tower. so they must be holed up between here and there. too many windows. too much light. it's got to be someplace dark. totally dark. no. there's too many of them. they'd need a huge area. you used to work here, right? you're coming in with me., you can show me around. blow up the theater. everyone seems puzzled. billy turns to gary. this place has some kind of boiler room. with a furnace. right? i'll use the gas lines as a bomb. the fire will destroy the creatures. dorry looks at billy. okay. just remember;.we've got to stick together. and keep close to the flashlight. they're scared of the light. everyone nods. gary turns on the flashlight. tracy takes billy's hand. gary is jealous. they enter the theater. they're inside the theater. the others peer into the window. how do we get to the boiler room? damn. there's too many of those things. they'll- see us. give me your t-shirt. gary reluctantly takes. off his t-shirt. billy ties the two shirts together. he winds them into a cord. he finds a connection in the gas line. he begins to pound against it with the handle of his sword. the. sounds of metal ring out. we have to get out. fast. gary points to a rear exit. not your gun. there's too many. use the light. gary stops shooting and fumbles for his flashlight. a creature leaps atdorry, pinning the old man to the ground. other creatures attack dorry. biting. scratching. tearing. billy picks up his sword and begins to knock the creatures off dorry. creatures come at tracy. she picks up a section of thick lead pipe and bats off the oncoming mogwai. gary finally turns on the flashlight beam. it keeps some of the mogwai at bay. fire creeps up the t-shirt, getting closer to the gas line. billy gets all-the creatures off dorry. more creatures come through the door. gary gets scared. he drops the flashlight and runs for the rear exit. get back here! we need you! .gary runs out, leaving the others alone. billy and tracy continue to fight the creatures. let's go. billy picks up dorry's body. tracy protects him by batting away any oncoming creatures. they hurry out of the boiler room. you bastard. you ran out on us. left us alone. to die. billy drops his sword and jumps gary. they fall to the ground. fighting. punching. wait. he looks out the rear window. looks at the creature on the back seat. it still cries out in that high pitched scream. hear that? he's calling his friends for help. they're following us. as long as he's alive and screaming. they'll come after him. we can't kill him. he's our bait. we'll be able to lead them away from the water tower. just keep an eye on the thing. make s re it doe n' hurt us. tracy keeps the swo d on the cre ture. billy guns the engine and screeches off. he looks to the rearview mirror. we'd better hurry. they're getting close. they. get into the car. where in the hell?. check the garage. ee if there's a bag. a b x. something we can keep this little bastard locked up in. tracyhurries to the garage. grabs the creature. mogwai is still wounded and dazed. but it manages to bite and scratch at billy. tracy holds the tool box open. billy forces mogwai inside. he closes the tool box and locks it shut. mogwai is trapped inside. the creature pounds against the metal. its loud cry echoes from inside. billy checks the car's engine. damn! he ripped out the coil wires! the car won't run without them! there's no time. (grabs her he lies in bed. his wounds are bandaged. an i.v. needle is in his arm. how's tracy? oh my god! no!. no!. the tool box! it's locked! i didn't open it!. it's dark inside!. (fighting, 52: it must always be kept indoors during the day. it lives in shadow. it hates bright light. direct sunlight will kill it. rand nods. he takes mogwai from his shoulder and puts it into the box. rand puts the box under his arm. the oriental smiles now,-mrs. deagle. i'm sure this isn't that serious. i'm sure an apology would fix things right up. wouldn't it? the woman shrugs.' roland turns to billy. thanks, billy. you're cute. gary walks up. he puts his arm through tracy's. beats t.v. i don't see anything wrong with him. i'm sure he's very intelligent. 'savage hearts of the round table'. a trilogy of honor., adventure nd romance by william :c. p.eltzer i've only got about 70 pages done. but as soon as it's published, you'll get one of the first copies. speci- ally autographed by the author. pete smiles. billy makes a turn. he pulls into the parking lot of i guess it's none of my business that your clothes are washed and ironed, or that you have a hot meal on the table. don't you understand?. .i've got to 'leave now! i rve got to try and make it on my own now! before lynn.can reply, a voice interrupts. billy . , billy walks to his father. they embrace. mj oh, yeah?. mogwai starts to sing, humming in that unearthly falsetto. i'm sorry. .just try to be more careful. billy holds mogwai to his chest. he's petting it, com- forting it. n here, pete. billy holds the tray of brownies to him. maybe i won't take one. the creatures have moved to the brownies. they rip the brownies to pieces, devouring them. they're giggling. the creatures are drawn to water. if they sense water nearby. they'll go to it. als , unless)th y're hunting for foo or water. they hate to be separated. i t ied to move one from the others. they cried out. clawing. screeching. i'm not waiting around to find out. the attic door is locked. there are no windows up here. nothing can get in or out. rand pats billy on the back. horrible. my arthritis acts up when it snows. but, sir. i didn't do anything wrong. really. peltzer, you:are fired! do you understand me?!? you're fired! billy smiles. hello?. hello?. alright, young lady. but if you're not inside this house in five,' minutes. 000¿½¿½. oh my god. looks like a dog. look. these things are deadly when they're alone. but if a couple hundred get loose. . they'll be hungry. real hungry. they'll head straight fo the town. you' 1 h ve a major dis ster on you h¿½nds frank looks at billy. listen p?ltzer, now you're getting me pissed off. you're lucky i don't just throw vuu out on your ass for telling me stories. frustrated, billy exits with officer brent. frank shakes his head. he picks up the phone and dials. please. listen to me. you can't go- in there. brent gets out of the car and walks to the building. a nervous, frustrated billy watches. i gotta warn people. . .1 gotta tell billy peltzer?. what's going on here?. they're coming. i knew he was crazy from the start. i hope they lock you up for good, and throw away the key. mr. deagle puts his arm around his wife. sounds like he really flipped out this time. frank stands. he straps on his gun holster. but, frank. with everybody out. who's gonna be here to answer the emergency phone calls? 'help! the little gremlins are eating my baby!' gary laughs hard at his joke. they exit the police station. but this is an emergency. we gotta warn everybody! the gremlins are coming! gary laughs. frank sighs stop it. after about a week. the police gave up. my mother was close to a nervous breakdown. the rest of us weren't eating. .we couldn't sleep. .every- thing was falling apart. it was snowing outside. the house was cold. i threw some logs on the fire.--. that's when i noticed the smell. the firemen came. they broke through the chimney top. we were all waiting, expecting them to pull out some dead cat or bird. instead, they pulled out my father. he was dressed in a santa claus suit. he had been climbing down the chimney on christmas eve, his arms loaded with presents. the coroner said that he lost his footing. he slipped and broke his neck. died instantly. his body was lodged in the narrow chimney shaft. ,that how i found out there was no sahta claus. everyone has a chilled look on their faces. dorry just stares. billy stands and clears his throat. when i was a kid. in the basement. 1 if we could. just distract them. tracy perks up. it's okay, billy. it's over. billy holds his father tightly.