rand follows the man up a narrow, dark set of stairs. at the top, they enter a room. a wall clock reads 5:25. billy counts out money to a customer. tracy works beside him. finished with the customer, billy looks to the line of waiting people. dark. silent. billy calls out before entering. billy grabs the sword off his wall. he walks back. into the. hallway. billy sees lynn's body. she lies on the floor. dead. billy walks to her. lynn is covered with bites and scratches. billy looks away. angry. saddened. he notices the cocoons. all hatched. sounds echo from downstairs. thumps. giggles. billy's face goes white with fear. there's more. he dashes out of the attic. brent is shocked by what he sees. billy turns to gary and tracy. the creatures have been here. the dead body of an old man is slumped across a table. a half eaten big mac is still in his hand. in a booth, sits a dead family: mother, father, boy and girl. their food still sits-in front of them. untouched. a dead cashier girl lies on the counter. billy starts the car. tracy looks into the back seat. billy drops the toolbox on top of a greenhouse table. billy spots a huge tree. it grows up, through the center of the greenhouse. billy takes tracy's hand. they run to the tree. they begin to climb to the top. the creatures still attack. billy tries to fight. a creature grabs his wounded leg. billy cries out in pain. another creature rips at his arm. billy drops the sword. he's f inis;'ed he falls to the ground. beside tracy. the hungry creatures surround billy. weak. defeated. billy closes his eyes. he finally gives