dark. the mogwai cluster around the trap door. they scratch at the door. they want out. the tr p door opens. billy and rand climb inside. they .both carry flashlights. they s ine the lights through the attic, looking for the creatu es. they see nothing. billy spots something. he nudges his father. there are nine individual pods, stuck to various places-on the floor. the pods are 16 inches long, 12 inches in dia- meter. they are wrapped with a vein-like wire and covered with a thick, syrupy glaze. small lumps have formed over all of the cocoons. slowly, the lumps rise up and down-. bubbling,. breathing. coming to life. the cocoons are bubbling furiously; as if they were being baked in an oven. suddenly, a crack appears on one. then another. and another. cracks begin to cover all the cocoons. green smoke seeps from the thin openings. a slow soft hiss is heard. they're hatching. lynn pokes her head inside, looking around. everything looks fine. calm. she sighs. relieved.