the blizzard is starting up. billy arrives at the broken window. he looks to the ground and sees the creatures are making their way down m in street. they are everywhere. on rooftops. front lawns. smashing through windows. breaking into homes. scattered human screams echo through the night. people are dying. mogwai is taking over the. town'. billy runs to below tracy's window. he shouts to her. the rows of once peaceful, cheerful homes are now the scenes of frenzied horror. people run out into the night, screaming for help, only to be dragged to the ground by creatures. ravaged bodies lie in the snow. frozen. an ambulance is overturned on the roadside. phone lines are town down. the creatures have made their way across town. they now attack the last few houseson the block. the headlights shine on frank's overturned police car. gary is inside. still alive. he screams for help. he closes the door. tracy is safe inside. billy walks to the.sheriff's car. he stays in the safety of the headlight's beam. billy stops a few feet from the sheriff's car. the passenger side is crushed. the driver's side is barely damaged, save for a dented, jammed door. gary pounds against-the door. he wants out. billy grabs the car handle. he pulls hard. the door pops open. he pulls gary out. gary gets to his feet. he's okay. billy looks inside the car. billy closes the door. a blanket of snow. covers everything. it snowed hard last night. three feet's worth. the creatures arrive at the top of the hill. they move to the greenhouse doors the sun is coming up. the darkness fades. billy and tracy stand in the snow. they look out over kingston falls. now a ghost town. billy looks at his sword. he pull back ,nd throws the sword. it flip throw h the air. { it lands. several feet away. speared upright. in the snow. billy collapses in the snow. exhausted. tracy kneels beside him.-- it close-up billy's face. lying in the snow. unconscious. hard. lonely. worn. the face of a warrior. the face of ahero. the tool box shakes and rattles in the worker's hand. frightened, he throws the box-over a hilly, wooded area at the side of the road.