an angle establishing the race track, ruidoso downs , set among the beautiful mountains of new mexico's lincoln national forest, as a white chrysler turns in with a stream of cars moving toward the parking area. an angle on lilly, frowning at the tote board. she carries a large heavy shoulder-bag, which she opens, looking in it as though it were a file drawer. lilly moves away from the betting window, tucking betting tickets into her bag. an angle on lilly, not satisfied. she turns and goes back. an angle on four people at a table, cheering a race, switching to disgust and despair when they lose, moving away from the table, leaving their betting tickets behind. lilly passes by, smoothly and casually scoops up the tickets, moves on along a row of tables, and there finding more tickets. late afternoon. an angle on the parking area, where almost all the cars are gone and the few remaining are widely separated. the white chrysler is one of these. lilly walks to it from the track entrance.