mrs. langtry, i'm sorry. you are a valued customer, as you know. i can't understand a thing like this. it's something you almost never see. this is some of the finest filigreed platinum i've ever seen. but the stones, no. they're not diamonds, mrs. langtry. glass will cut glass, mrs. langtry. do you know where it was purchased? why, of course it is. i can offer you -- well, five hundred dollars. i'll get you a check. i hope you're not too badly disappointed with us, mrs. langtry. you'll give us an opportunity to serve you again, i hope. if there's anything you think we might be interested in. well, i'd have to see it, of course. i see. you know something, mrs. langtry? a bracelet like that very rarely happens. a fine setting and workmanship usually mean precious stones. it always hurts me when i find they're not. i always hope -- -- i'm mistaken.