getting better. a bad shrimp, i think.
no no, i'm fine now, thanks, anyway. still got a lot of clients to see.
oh, i will.
mr. simms.
uh-huh. mrs. langtry may drop by.
your medicine is here.
always, for you, baby.
taking you for granite?
that isn't granite. if that fell on me, it wouldn't hurt at all.
let's find out.
oh, i am, baby, believe me.
all? it ain't bad.
what are you talking abut, myra? marriage?
ow! hey, what are you trying to do, throw me off my game?
wait'll next year.
damn that guy.
how much can i bet?
the fifty or the hundred?
the ace is what i want?
is that okay?
dark in here.
too dark. i just can't see.
let me borrow these, will you?
now, that's better.
you taught me a lot. then i invented.
let me see how you did that one.
i can't. i just left home.
i am in school.
in your other hand.
go away, lilly. go away.
they twisted my arm.
they knocked out my tooth!
you always say that!
play nice. don't fight.
sure i am. what made you turn up, after all these years?
nice to see you. what am i doing in here?
you called the doctor, huh?
oh, yeah? thanks. how long do they say i'm in here?
yeah? only one life?
i was kind of.  inconvenient.  for lilly.
thanks, uh, lilly.
i guess i owe you my life.
her job.
you do. and once i'm out of here, i'll remind you of the best parts.
i just do what the doctor says, babe.
i'll pay lilly back, don't you worry about that.
that's just lilly's way.
oh, don't be stupid.
are you kid --? i hadn't even seen her in seven years!
every day in every way.
what happened to your hand?
i can take care of my own bills, lilly.
what are you talking about? so i've got a job. so what?
it's there. the boss called, you said so yourself.
i like those.
you're one to talk. still running playback money for the mob.
how come?
not as tough as you, huh?
up to you.
bluebell came in?
lucky? you call that lucky?
you don't put up with that! nobody has to put up with that!
i tripped over a chair.
that's right.
babe, i'm gettin out of here, and that's it. let's take some time out this weekend, go down to lajolla, hit the beach, have some fun. forget all this other stuff, huh?
thanks, mr. simms, i'm feeling fine.
well, thank you. and thank them.
that's true, mr. simms.
well, i'm back now. i just wanted you to know. gotta rush.
whadaya say?
what's going on? this is usually coffee break time.
hey, yeah, i'm fine, everything's great. what's this kaggs? sounds like a disease.
you think he'll chop me?
roy dillon.
that was a pretty backhanded compliment. if i let people get away with things like that, i wouldn't be a good salesman.
lead on.
so i heard.
just myself.
sounds like a good idea.
what? me?
well, uh.  no.
i can't take that job! i mean, i mean, i can't take it right away. i'm still recuperating, i just dropped in to say hello, see everybody --
but you need a man right now. it wouldn't be fair to you to --
oh, sure. fine.
this really is it. union station.
because it's comfortable.
we'll rent a car.
you ain't seen nothin.
stretch my legs. come along?
see you soon.
oh! ow, i'm sorry! oh, look, i spilled your drinks!
let me buy you a new round.
what are those, bloody marys? watch this, i'll be back.
boy! you guys could've got in a lot of trouble.
i don't know. i wouldn't take a chance like that. what's that?
one of you fellows drop this?
tell you what. we'll roll for it. low number buys.
go ahead. you roll for the four of you.
told you i'd buy.
tell you what. give me a chance to get even when i come back.
you were right, i had to get out of that hospital. nothing wrong with me any more.
great to get away, take it easy. next week, i'll get back to work.
working the what?
i'm a salesman.
myra, i'm not following this.
you talk the lingo. what's your pitch?
nobody does that single-o.
i've heard the name.
is that right?
cole liked to take risks, huh?
and when he got serious?
i thought these people were broke.
and a month later, the sucker calls the cops and you're on the run.
yeah? how?
what happened to cole?
upstate where?
that's where they keep the criminally insane, isn't it?
i just bet you are, too. and now you're trying to rope me.
take a hike, you mean?
i don't know, myra, i never had partners. i never needed them.
i still don't see why we have to have separate rooms. you expect your father to come through?
things a man isn't supposed to know.
sure. i'm pretty tired myself.
long con. i'm the one's been conned. who needs this?
what? what for?
you -- i don't know.
oh, come here.
myra and me come down to lajolla for the weekend.
we won't hit the track. the beach. couple a nice restaurants.
four grand. for the hospital. is that enough?
i pay my debts.
expecting visitors?
you ought to put a bandage on that.
i guess not. you'll be heading east from here, huh?
well.  nice to see you again, lilly.
one of my talents.
be right out!
you were gone for a while.
) the track? did you run into lilly?
she didn't see you, in other words.
you must have some very knowledgeable friends.
running your broker scam, you mean.
regret what? i didn't say i was coming aboard.
come on, myra, don't talk business here. this is time out.
yes or no. they're both easier at home. okay?
mr. kaggs, i'm sorry.
i guess i'm just not a leader of men.
the truth is, mr. kaggs --
okay, fine. perk, the truth is, i like things the way they are now. pick my own hours, have time for, uh, other activities.
maybe i'm just not ready for that yet.
oh, i'd like to stay on. just keep everything the way it was.
fair enough.
and hello to you, too.
wait a minute! when did this happen, that we're partners?
the last i looked, we were just talking things over.
i don't think i need it.
maybe i like it where i am.
don't i get any say in this?
that's what i say.
what i say is, no. we don't do partners.
mostly, because you scare the shit out of me. i've seen people like you before, baby. double-tough and sharp as they come, and you get what you want or else. but you don't make it work forever.
no; history. sooner or later, the lightning hits. i don't want to be around when it hits you.
i'm happy the way i am.
) what?
what's that?
you watch that mouth.
how do you like this?
that's not like me. i don't do violence.
that's why we wouldn't work together. you're disgusting. your mind's so filthy, it's hard even to look at you.
goodbye, myra.
lilly, i've got a couple things to think about. well, kind of job offers, kind of. different ways to go. i'd kind of like to talk them out, you know? maybe just hear myself talk.
well, that's good news.
well? who's a boy gonna talk to, if not his mother?
thanks a lot, lilly.
thank you.
well, mostly, i don't believe it.
no. i mean, i don't believe it. lilly is not a suicide. i know my mother, nothing would make her check out.
it may be lilly, but it isn't suicide.
my mother.  well, i guess it doesn't matter now. she worked for gamblers. she always knew they might turn on her some day.
not that it matters. this is the morgue?
sure. let's get it over.
yes, i know, i know.
ate the gun. oh.
well, let's get the shock over with.
not many laughs in this room, eh?
oh, jesus.
no, its -- why did she--?
oh, yeah. that's that.
hello, lilly.
going somewhere?
i just came back from phoenix.
looks very solid, lilly. sit down. take a minute, tell me about it.
you're dead, lilly, it worked.
why should they? the cops are satisfied.
even so. you still got time. relax a minute, tell me what happened. sit down.
myra followed you, huh?
i wouldn't go in on a deal with her. she blamed you for it.
that's pretty funny, all right. what happened in phoenix?
this way's perfect.
you've already made a start. doesn't look that clean, though.
don't be sorry. you're not taking it.
you must have some money.
and myra's stuff?
far enough. maybe up to san francisco. or st. louis, someplace new. start over.
you're smart, lilly, and you're good-looking. you won't have any trouble finding a job.
well, you're gonna start, if you hope to live through this. a square job and a quiet life. you start showing up at the track or the hot spots and bobo's boys will be all over you.
not any more. lilly, listen, i'm giving you good advice. i'm following it myself.
i thought it over, and you were right. you wanted me out of the rackets, and now --
i thought you'd be happy for me. after all, you --
i know you do, so that's why --
i don't think so. you probably shouldn't either.
yeah, sure, that sounds nice.
you wouldn't do that.
oh, you'll live, lilly.
oh? i didn't know anything was.
not very good!
what do you want me to do? pin a halo on you? you're doing a pretty good job of that yourself.
for god's sake, lilly!
that's right.
i don't?
i don't see why not.
well, uh.
well, it doesn't matter, does it? i'm getting out.
oh, that's it! you're stealing my money for my own good! how very motherly of you, lilly.
if i should get out of the racket, that goes double for you. that's why you've got to change your life completely, go to some town, get a square job, live like a john yourself. if you try to do it your way, what future is in it?
that money wouldn't last forever. and then what? you'd be back in some other part of the rackets. another bobo justus to slap you around and burn holes in your hands. this way, you've got to go the square route. you could send me a card when you're settled, i could maybe help out sometimes.
just trying to help, lilly.
what's that all about? of course you're my mother. of course you are.
there's nothing more to talk about.
lilly, jesus, what are you doing?