put it this way, now. say i rent to a woman, well, she has to have a room with a bath. i insist on it, because otherwise she's got the hall bath tied up all the time, washing her goddamn hair and her clothes and everything she can think of. now, your minimum for a room with bath is three hundred a month, just for a place to sleep and no cooking allowed. and just how many of these tootsies make that kind of money and have to eat in restaurants and buy clothes and -- why yes, mr. dillon. here's a potential new neighbor, looking at-- i'll send her right up. i had my first hotel thirty-seven years ago in wichita falls, texas, and that's where i began to learn about women. they just don't make the money, you see, not regular they don't, and there's only one way they can get it. now, that mr. dillon there, that's the fine type of person i have in mind for here. like yourself, i have no doubt. he's a salesman, regular as clockwork, has a suite here. fine man. now, about these women. at first, you know, they just go out and do it now and then, just enough to make ends meet. but pretty soon they got that bank open twenty-four hours a day, and then you've got trouble. hookers and hotellin' just don't mix. you'd think the cops'd be too busy catching real criminals, not snooping around after working girls, but that's the way the gravy stains, as the saying is, and i don't fight it. an ounce of prevention is my motto. oh, yes, mrs. langtry, he's up there, he's expecting you. if you keep out the women in the first place, see, you keep out the hookers, and then you keep out the cops, and that's how you have a clean place. your difference between your folded towel and your clean towel is a trip to the laundry. when you're cleaning those bathrooms, what you do, you pick up the towel, you give it a good shake and a good look, and you say to yourself, 'would i dry myself on this towel?' if the answer's yes, fold it. mr. dillon! welcome back! you look fine, just fine. you're well liked around here, mr. dillon. the entire staff will be pleased to see you're back. sickness comes to us all, mister dillon. we never know when and we never know why. we never know how. the only blessed thing we know is, it'll be at the most inconvenient and unexpected time. just when you've got tickets to the world series. and that's the way the permanent waves. happy to see you looking so good. that fellow could be a congressman. if it's wet, you don't fold it. you shake it, and hang it neatly on the rod provided. the last modern thing i liked was the miniskirt. your technology, now, nobody understands it, and that's the simple fact of the situation. ) evening, mizz langley! new things come in here all the time, how do they work? you can ask your ph.ds, your highly educated, intelligent, professional people, you can say to them, how does that work, and you know what they'll tell you? you plug it in. and that's the way the donut dunks.