--now that's freedom-- her brow furrowed as she peers at the car, something summoned by the dark figure. her words falter almost imperceptibly. --the best i can do is a rhyme: where are all the good men dead? in the heart or in the head? back later. wrfn playing all vinyl, all the time. oldies from the eighties. that was ah. the specials. doing. one of their songs. and here's another. i just play my own collection. since you stood me up on prom night and vanished without saying a word? well, let me see. they tore down the george orwell monument and put up a bust of george michael. main street's a four-laner, no left turns four to seven. i was married and divorced. and grosse pointe is now officially the new sister city to lower hutt, new zealand. we have fiber-optic town meetings every two months. those are the headlines. hold that thought. wrfn fm, grosse pointe. all vinyl, all the. no pearl jam. call back in ten years. tell me about yourself. that's it? what's your business? professional killer. do you get dental with that? okay. a man comes to you. he is from the past bringing you pain long since put behind you. he says peculiar things and leaves abruptly. it all comes flooding back. it felt like an apparition, or some cheap, gruesome rod serling time warp i'd been thrust back into without warning. there's a strangeness in the air and i don't mind telling you, i'm a little spooked. he was a man from my past. a man i loved. a man who disappeared. a man who's walking back into the station. sit. all right mystery man. i want some answers. let's recap. spring of '84. two young lovers with frightening natural chemistry. the girl sits in a seven-hundred dollar prom dress at her father's house waiting for the most romantic night of her young life. the boy never shows up, until now. so, what's the question? more like what happened? what happened, mr. blank? --torn down in the name of convenience-- ohhh. you're in therapy too, marty? uh, no. so you're back now, a decade later, and you want to sort things out with me. the question now is, do i allow you. access. to my being? all right then. would you like to share any more deeply personal thoughts with our listening audience before we go to our phone poll and see how the folks in radioland come down on this one? should a broken-hearted girl give a guy a second chance at love. thank you caller. you're on the air. yes. next caller. thank you. grosse pointe michigan, i hear you loud and clear: "if you love something set it free. if it comes back to you it's, well. broken" no. i'm not going. is that why you're here? well, you'll have a ball. you seem to have everything everybody wants when they go back. the car, the suit, the watch. the look. that just leaves the little things, like happiness, character, point of view. yep. okay. let's catch up. you go first. i'm sure you've done worthwhile things in the last ten years. you've had experiences. you met people. watched television? jesus. marty. you're pathetic. it sounds like you need a shockabuku. it's a swift spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever. what do you want? let me get this straight, are you asking me out? unbelievable. i'll think about it. are you there? pick me up at my father's house at around seven. and don't be late this time. hello? you're fucking psycho. flowers. that's funny. here. let me put these in some rubbing alcohol. okay. hold on. let me get my coat. moves up the stairs and disappears. okay i think they'll probably have booze there. okay. what? debi newberry. no-- we haven't seen each other since high school. i don't know, martin. it sounds like you're feeling compromised. live the way you want. the only thing that's inexcusable, to me, is cynicism. that's the biggest cop-out there is. i'm going over to play some tunes. which would you rather? soft. i'll take the junkie otter, clearly! i'd let the little beast scratch and claw all he wants. okay. would you rather make love to the candied corpse of phyllis diller-- it's just a game! alright. candied diller, or. wear a hot pork vest across the desert with a fully digested crab apple in your mouth? no time. thank you. stacey, why don't you come up here and take over for a little while? everybody thinks they know me now that i'm divorced. it's time to see you in private. like heroin? like love? i'll accept that. follow me. i'll be right back. who is frozen, horrified for a moment. she flees. he was trying to kill you, right! not the other way around? is it something you've done? get the fuck outta here. you're a government spook? jesus christ! okay. great, martin, that's just great. meaning to life. mmm. let me help you along, martin. you're a sociopath! you never could have kept this from me. that's probably a good idea. i'm staying here. i'll hide. you don't get to have me. you are a monster, i'm a human being. we're not going to mate. that's because i speak human, and you speak monster. this is wrfn radio free newberry cause that's what it does. bringing you new ones for the nineties, a fresh new format designed to pull you out of what's come before, and reel you into what's coming soon-- i tell you what's coming soon for me, or at least what i dreamed this morning in that weird time just before you actually wake up. but first this commercial. back after this. hey out there. okay. i'm going to finish up that fantasy later. first i'll give you an hour of nonstop music. if i don't come back on after that-- well, nevermind. this will never work out. you kill people. other people can't.