wait. i have mr. grocer for you. so come on back to the old oak tree, acorns. signed, the reunion committee." this? it's from one of those p.o. boxes. how was the trip? all of it? that's going to cost. they're not happy, sir. they say their friend was suppose to have a heart attack and die in his sleep. they blame you for the compromise. in detroit. this weekend. they were very upset. intractable, sir. you leave tonight. and sir, i also get that broken- mirror, black-cat, friday-the- thirteenth kind of feeling about this one. i liquidated the last account in zurich, and split it into two new ones in estonia. mmm, not really. but you're gonna love this one. enough? but it's a greenpeace boat. it'd be so easy. paperwork on the detroit thing. it's a full dossier. very comprehensive. you should get going. don't forget your identity. thanks, monty. hey there, how'd it go? this is not good. what's it look like? you haven't looked at the dossier. you have. i have to call the client and give them a reason why you're late. i'll call them and tell them you're taking your time. being a professional. will do. i'm bringing down the office now. uh. why? all right!!