i bought a new rug. what's a revival tent? marlin perkins and jim! his assistant. he acted like marlin's son, only he wasn't. at least they never said he was. i bet they were lovers, faggots. yes, gay lovers. wild kingdom my ass! i spoke to your father the other day. nature made him then broke the mold. yes, they give me headaches. i have a headache. i have a headache. you have a headache? you don't have a headache. i have a headache. we had a good laugh, didn't we? why don't you return this car and borrow mine? have debi follow you to the rent-a-car so you can get a ride back. of course you will. take care of her. she's a keeper. and a leader. didn't she meet castro on foreign exchange? separate the wheat from the chaff and you've got the candle cat. remember no matter how impossible your problems feel. i've known people without a chance in the world. and all of a sudden, they have lives. time allows miracles. let yourself breathe, son. "what's up doc. what's cookin'?. what's up doc?. are ya lookin'?. hey! look out! you're gonna hurt someone,. with that old shotgun,. hey. what's. up. doooooc!. we really mean it!" hey, you're a handsome devil. what's your name?