what! doris touces her engagement ring, dumbfounded. rita is a little embarrassed. hi. no way! hey, i ' d like to thank you for making doris go through with this. wrestlemania! no way! no way! doris throws herself on phil. we're like going to be in pittsburgh anyway. thanks, mr. connors. you're a real pal. hey, mr. connors. go for it. phil looks at rita. she nods and shrugs. phil walks up to the platform and sits at the piano. he begins to play a slow, serious, classical piece. everyone falls silent. it's so beautiful, rita is almost in tears. then, after a pause to let the serious notes sink in, phil transforms the piece into a fast, lively, upbeat jazz romp. everyone is delighted, and as the rest of the band kicks in, everyone grabs a partner and begins to dance. an old coot, uncle leo, grabs rita and the two of them dance up a storm.