christ, what a pit. phil" the sleeping figure rouses himself and looks out at hawley. it's phil, the .channel 9 action news weatherman. it's february first, phil. you know what tomorrow is? phil sits up and.thinks hard. he's in his mid-thirties, smart, rugged-looking, perhaps a little too full of himself, but clearly a guy with a lot of personality. so what's the outlook? we gonna get that blizzard? phil shakes his head and points to the chart which is headed "phil's phorecast" with a cute caricature of himself drawn next to the title. good, 'cause you're going up to punxsutawney to cover the groundhog story tomorrow morning and i want you back here in time to do the five. and you'll do it :next year and the year after, too. when i worked in san diego, i covered the swallows coming back to capistrano for ten years in a row. i wanted to do it. it's a cute story. he comes out, he looks around, he wrinkles up his little nose, he sniffs around a little, he sees his shadow, he d oesn't see his shadow-- it's nice. people like it. just do it. i'll give you rita. rita, could you come here for a second? i got a little job for you. rita is relatively new to the station, but very competent, personable, humorous, self-assured and very pretty-- in short, a genuine princess, though phil is too self-absorbed at this point to realize it. the punxsutawney groundhog festival. you can do the nurses when you get back. just take the squeaky wheel here up to punxsutawney and get him back in one piece. okay?