did he actually call himself "the talent?" larry snorts and continues unloading their gear. prima donnas. what happens to some people? they're born nice. they grow up nice. you put 'em on tv and - bam! prima donnas. rita spots phil heading into the crowd. rolling. rita silently counts down from five and cues phil who instantly snaps into announce mode. you ready? we better get going if we ' re going to stay ahead of the weather. we better get started. we're going to miss it. you want me to roll tape? rolling. you ready? we better get going if we're going to stay ahead of the weather. you ready? we better get going if we're going to stay ahead of the weather. i don't believe it. someone bought every distributor cap in this town. we're going to be stuck here all night1 over phil's sympathetic look we hear the song, "i can't get started with you". the guy's nuts. he's out of his gourd. this oughta be good. you ready? we better get going if we're going to stay ahead of the weather. phil hands the paper to rita. she reads it. what ' s that? rita looks at phil with new understanding and empathy. yeah, great. sure, why not? is he making this stuff up? sure . look, i told you! he's nuts! larry keeps trying to walk away, but ned won't leave him alone.