phil! phil connors! i thought that was you! phil looks at him vaguely. my oh my! phil connors. don't say you don't remember me, 'cause i sure as heckrfire remember you. well? phil stares, trying to remember. ned ryerson? needlenose ned? ned the head. come on, buddy. case western high? i see you clicking through that brain of yours. click-click, c li ck- cli ck, click-click--bing! ned ryerson, did the whistling trick with my belly button in the talent show. bing! ned ryerson, got the shingles real bad senior ^year^ almost didn't graduate. bing again! ned ryerson, went out with your sister mary pat a couple of times-- 'til you told me not to anymore. well? bing! phil, i sell insurance. do you have life insurance, phil? 'cause if you do, i bet you could u s e more-- who couldn't?--but i got a feeling you don't have any. am i right? that's okay. i'll walk with you. when i see an opportunity, i charge it, like a bull. ned the bull, that's me now. some of my friends live and die by actuarial tables, but i think it's all just a crap shoot anyhoo. ever heard of single .premium life? that could be the ticket for you, buddy. god, it's good to see you! hey, what're you doing for dinner? hey, look out for that first step! it's a doozy! phil looks at him with murderous contempt. phil! phil connors! i thought that was you! phil just stares at him and keeps walking. my oh my! phil connors. don't say you don't remember me, 'cause i sure as heck-fire remember you. well? bing! first shot right out of the box. so how's it going, ol' buddy? now it's funny you should mention your health 'cause you'll never guess what i do. bing again! you're sharp as a tack today. do you have life insurance, phil? 'cause if you do, i bet you could use more -- who couldn't?" -- but i got a feeling you don't have any. am i right? hey, phil! phil slips off his glove as ned ryerson lumbers toward him. phil! phil connors! hey, phil! phil connors 1 he remembers me! phil and rita keep walking. rita looks back at ned, perplexed phil! phil connors! i thought that was you! uh, i gotta get going. nice to see you, phil. he hurries off. but phil told me you were his accountant! let me just tell you about single premium life-- finally, larry slugs ned and storms off, leaving ned floundering in a snowbank. phil and rita walk on as we pull up and away from main street revealing the whole of punxsutawney and the snowy countryside that embraces it.