gil, if it's all right with you i ' d rather follow-up on the nurses' strike. yeah, okay. hawley exits leaving phil and rita alone in the studio. she knows phil mainly by his reputation and it isn't good. still, she finds him appealing in an odd way. i've never done a weather story before. what's punxsutawney like? do you always joke? a lot of people around here think you're not very sincere. i'll line up a crew and transportation. if you don't feel like driving, we can all go up in the van together. no, thanks. stephanie decastro , an attractive, dark-eyed, dark-haired correspondent, glares at phil from across the studio. it's okay. i'll handle it. she crosses to the lexus where phil is trying to make another call on his earphone. what's the problem, phil? you're not staying here. no, larry and i don't care but i thought you might, so i booked you at a very nice bed and breakfast on cherry street. here's the address. she hands him a card. whatever i can do. whatever i can do within reason. would you like to have dinner with larry and me? you mean like a date? oh, no. well, that's something to look forward to. i'll see you in the morning. he drives off, leaving her standing there shaking her head. how could he be late? it's just so-- inconsiderate. here he comes. phil! hey, phil. over here! phil joins them in the press area. rita pulls him to his mark near the rail fence. where've you been? you're incredible. ready when you are. phil takes the microphone from rita and positions himself against the fence. the groundhog club officials in top hats, striped trousers and cutaway coats parade out to the burrow that houses punxsutawney phil. looks like they're starting. roll tape. you want to try one that's a little sweeter? that was really lousy. a real professional would have handled it. you acted like it was a personal insult. who do you think you are -- wolf blitzer? yes, i do. as far as i ' m concerned there are no little stories, phil. only little reporters with big egos who think they're too good for the job they have to do. is that so. nice working with you, phil. see you around. rita walks away, leaving him sitting alone. here he comes. phill hey, phil! over here! phil waves to her and heads straight for an obscure corner of the knob, gesturing for her to follow. larry shakes his head as rita charges through the crowd toward phil. she catches up to him just as he is scratching a mark in the snow with his foot. she notices immediately that he is uncharacteristically dishevelled, his tie askew, his hair mussed. where ' ve you been? what is this? are you drunk? i don't know. can you? what are you trying to say? what? phil , there is no tomorrow on this one. it's groundhog day. larry! she charges off toward the cameras. in the press area, several reporters are already talking to their cameras, dribbling on about how "he could appear any second now." rita and larry grab their gear and rush back to phil. larry hurriedly sets up the camera. are you going to get on your mark? i'm begging you, all right? gould we please just do this? phil glances down at his watch. that's it. i'm going to kill him. phil looks at his watch. for channel 9 news, this is rita hanson in punxsutawney. she holds for a moment then makes the cut sign, drawing her finger across her throat. you never talk about work. do i want to know? you whatl this is not some kind of rock and roll tour. we don't have the budget for that-- phil, what are you doing? could i have some coffee, please? the waiter pours her a cup. thanks. okay, so tell me. how'd you know where to put the camera? i know, but the groundhog doesn't do exactly the same thing every year, does he? you're having deja vu? uh-huh. i'm waiting for the punchline. i'm wracking my brain, but i can't even begin to imagine why you'd make up something like this. okay, i'll bite. what do you want me to do? i see. you know, phil, you can charm all the little p.a.'s at the station, all the secretaries, and even some of the weekend a nchors, but not me-- not in a thousand years. not if i was dying and your breath was the only cure; not if having your child was the only way to preserve the human race. just get it out of your head because it is not going to yeah, , i ' m . ready, larry. is this some new fad diet? don't you worry about cholesterol? phil scrapes a plate and takes a final bite of a chocolate eclair. what makes you so special? everybody worries about something. "the wretch, concentered all in self, living, shall forfeit fair renown, and doubly dying, shall go down to the vile dust from whence he sprung, unwept, unhonored, and unsung." sir walter scott. that's really funny. when are you going to grow up, phil? you really do have a death wish, don't you? i wouldn't even know what it means to go wild. and how. . , do we manage that? i'll take my chances with the -weather. but you have a good time. phil! rita is calling from across the crowd. she looks at him with disapproval . you look good. i mean, it came o ut all right. how'd you know where to put the camera? i don't know, phil. what are you dying of? i ' d just want to know where to p ut the camera. what are you looking for, phil-- a date for the weekend? she starts walking toward the center of town. phil sticks right with her. is this real or are you just going to make me feel like a fool? close. i guess i want what everybody wants-- you know, career, love, marriage, children. so far i don't have any of it. i have a job. doing stories on the punxsutawney groundhog is not my ultimate goal. no offense. this is getting too personal. i don't think i ' m ready to discuss these things with you. what about you? what do you want? o h , please-- phil, you know, you have so much talent and ability. if you'd just drop the attitude and act like a decent human being, then maybe i ' d -- i don't know what. i don't know. it's sort of like the way i feel about ufo's. i'd have to see it to believe it. larry pokes his head in the doorway, looks around, spots rita and makes his way over to their table. yeah, i'll be right out, larry. larry scowls at phil and exits. i've got to get back. i'll see you later. phil watches rita exit. that was great. how did you know okay. tequila,with lime. gold, if you've got it. phil nods to himself. okay. same for me, please. the bartender pours. your call. i always drink to world peace. same for me, please. the bartender pours. phil lifts his glass. to world peace. they clink glasses. it's okay. i think it could be really challenging. of course it's about a million miles from where i started out in college. at bryn mawr? no, uh-uh. "believe it or not, i studied nineteenth century french poetry. at bryn mawr? no, uh-uh. believe it or not, i studied nineteenth century french poetry. phil leans in closer to her. this is terrific. how do you know so much about punxsutawney? that is so true! i've always thought that, too. oh, yuk, don't make me sick. there's something so familiar about this. do you ever have deja vu? phil smiles. then larry enters. i ' m just amazed. and i'm not easily amazed. how you can start a day with one kind of expectation and end up so completely different. yes. i like it very much. they stop dn front of phil's hotel. she turns to him. you could never have planned a day like this, but it couldn't have been more perfect. thanks. see you tomorrow. i don't know, phil-- thanks, but -- you don't even know me! what's wrong with you! there is a long moment of silent tension, then all her old doubts about phil come rushing back. oh, no. i can't believe i fell for it. this whole day was just one long set-up. and i ate fudge. yucchh! i hate fudge. stop saying that! do you really expect me to trust you? the whole secretarial pool is a phil connors recovery group. that's for making me care about you. she turns and stomps off, leaving phil standing there hurting. are you all right, phil? you look terrible. phil looks at her sadly, then turns away. let him finish, then i'll call the station. they turn back to watch phil's wrap-up. phil is completely unkempt, still wearing only pajama bottoms and his overcoat, looking even more demented. where were you this morning? how could you possibly miss the shoot? let's go! phil just snatched the groundhog! larry does a slow take and starts gathering up the rest of the gear. what is he doing? what can he be thinking? he must1 ve just -- snapped. larry squeezes into the passenger seat with the camera mounted on his shoulder . phil! no! i ' m sorry. what was that again? you're god? that's reassuring. for a mintute there i thought you might be crazy. because you survived a car wreck? really? the waiter looks at him like he's nuts. why are you telling me this? no t you-- him. you're not a god, phil. take my word for it. this is twelve years of catholic school talking. please. because it's not possible. what are you doing? lovely ring. this is some kind of trick. how about that guy? her? how do you know these people! this is nuts. (trying to puzzle it everyone knows that. how are you doing this? b u t , phil-- larry? i don't -- larry pokes his head in the doorway, looks around and spots rita. how did this start? this is great. did we ever. you know? come on. not that it would've been so awful. i just had to know whether to smack you or not. good. i don't know. i don't know how else you could know so much. maybe it is really happening. it sounds so-- lonely. maybe i should spend the rest of the day with you-- as an objective witness. just to see what happens. okay? it would take me a year to get good at this. is this what you do with eternity? mmmm. pepperoni and olives. my favorite . (taking a bite of what's the worst part? no -- no, you're not. or completely clean. wait! have we done this before? you getting me up here, the card gam e, the pizza-- well how does it feel to be doing something completely new? phil looks at her with tremendous affection and gratitude. sometimes i wish i had a thousand lifetimes. one to be a great journalist. one to, i don't know, go back to school, study art, or auto mechanics. one just to take care of all the busywork, you know, pay the bills, get my car tuned up. one to be the wild woman of borneo. one to be mother theresa. maybe it's not a curse, phil. it all just depends on how you look at it. phil stares at her for a long time letting this sink in. then he belches really loud. rita stares at him, then burps surprisingly loud herself. i want you to know, it's been a really nice day for me. maybe, if it's not too boring for you, we could do it again. you're still here! i thought you were supposed to disappear-- or i was or something. you rat! you knew i was waiting for midnight! oh, i can't believe you! (she slugs him with a no. phil takes rita's hand. she doesn't resist. i'm sorry. no, it's all right. i'm not tired. what were you saying? her eyes start to close again. really? good-night, phil. oh, hi, phil. thanks! we're just setting up. really? sounds good to me. larry? all right. thanks, phil. good work. she reaches for an equipment case. there would still be an absolute morality. there has to be an absolute good, regardless of the circumstances. i don't know. from my freshman philosophy course, i guess. they both laugh. then she looks at him for a long moment and grins. nothing. i just can't believe you're such a fine sculptor. phil takes a bite of her apple and gets up. where do you have to go in punxsutawney? here? late for what? phil? could you break it down and wrap out of here by yourself, larry? thanks . the hospital? phil looks at his watch and rushes away. all right, now what's going on? phil, this is too -- i must be dreaming. is he -- ? in a minute. she waits and watches. the paramedics, bud and andy, get out of the ambulance and inspect the scene. may i see that? "every night, by cold bricks now what? this is incredible. who's wedding is this? i don ' t understand . you rush from one person to the next in a town you only visit once a year, you know everything before it happens , and you -- - i don ' t know , you seem to be punxsutawney ' s leading citizen. the band finishes a set. the guests stop dancing and head for the refreshments. phil and rita are left alone for the moment who are you? no, there's something going on with you. that's pretty amazing. " do ctor connors? making a snow man? i'll help. can i look? what? (looks back at the ice glad to see you, too. are you always this jolly in the morning? phil runs to the window and looks out. you must've had some dream. phil stops, thinks. phi l? phil! rita sits up in bed and waits. suddenly, from somewhere else in the inn comes the sound of phil at the piano expertly playing a difficult classical piece. he stops after a few bars. where're we going? 78: what? you can't send rita out on a story like this. she's just a cub, a pup, still wet behind the ears. look at her. her ears are sopping wet. this needs a woodward or a bernstein. it's a big story. people need to know. what's the story? you know, this could be extremely interesting. nice attitude. i just want to know one thing: did i do something wrong or are you just tired of me or what? i have to know. phil sighs. you didn't do anything wrong, stephanie, and i ' m not tired of you. it's just that i don't have time for a real relationship right now. i told you that the first time we went out. prima donnas. i ' m not? great. that's great. that's the mark of a really good producer. making the talent happy. i don't really know -- ned ryerson. prima donnas. what the hell? i don't know what you mean. phil grabs him by the front of his shirt and looks deep into his eyes. febr uary second--groundhog day! phil can see he's telling the truth and relaxes his grip on the poor man. i don't know. i don't think so. i'll tell you after i wake up. phil exits. hey, look .out for that first v step. it's a doozyi phil looks down at his wet shoes and cuffs and stumbles off toward gobbler's knob. just slap me-- hard. she gives up and taps him lightly on the cheek. what did you do last night? the crowd begins to hush. phil. we've been out here for an hour. we're cold and tired. let's just get this and get out of here. w ha t? yesterday? what are you talking about? everyone else is rolling! rita looks helplessly at phil. prima donnas. phil takes the microphone from rita and positions himself against the fence. phil! buster greene, the groundhog club official, walks onto the mound and hushes the crowd, exactly as before. it was good. a little smarmy for my taste, but i guess that's what sells. i'll be back to take your order. good luck, phil. i ' d say that maybe you're -- i don't know -- a little delusional. i'm afraid that's all the time we have, mr. connors. now if the moon exerts a gravitational pull strong enough to cause the tides, .then it may be theoretically possible for a black hole or a singularity of sufficient magnitude to actually bend time enough to cause it to fold back ,on itself. all right! i think someone may just need a little visit to the assistant principal's office! get back in your seats. the bell has not rung yet. the kids sit back down, but keep up their noisy chatter. gus, you're just going to have to trust me on this one. he tromps the gas pedal to the floor. gus's eyes go wide with terror. the police dive out of the way. yes, i would like some coffee; the weather is going to be cold and overcast with blizzard conditions moving in later today; and yes, i will be staying an extra day. why thank you. no, no one like that-- i .don't-- will they be? high school? she really doesn't know what to make of phil but she decides to play along. oh, really? you look pretty good this morning. oh, phil. who's rita? no one. it's just something i say when i make love. you know -- "orita", "orighta"-- it's like "oh, baby" or something. how long will you be staying with us, mr. connors? yes, well, i'm getting a little tired of casual sex so today i thought i'd rob a bank and buy myself a really expensive car. all right, freeze!! drop your guns j! the guards stand there frozen with terror. i guess so. something to tell the kids about. someone decent, someone who you respected, who respects you. i just had a sandwich, watched some tv and went to bed. sounds wholesome. were those the new 24-hour disappearing tattoos or can i see them? i have to go now. there's something i have to do. the van won't start. larry's working on it. wouldn't you know it. buy you a drink? the van won't start. larry's working on it. well-- we better not. phil, i'm tired. we can be together tomorrow. let's not ruin it, phil. there's no way i ' m sleeping with you tonight. okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties because it's cooooold out there today. phil continues the radio report at his own pace, obviously fatigued. hi. do i know you? phil can't manage enough enthusiasm to pursue her yet again. i ' m fine. this is one of the most pitiful spectacles known to civilization. with one nod from a filthy rodent best known to pest control agencies, a moribund old coal mining hamlet turns magically into the lourdes of pennsylvania, mecca to thousands of people who, if they hated the winter so damned much, why don't they move to florida, anyway? there and there. and there! phil continues walking, counting the sidewalk cracks. three neighborhood kids notice phil and walk along, matching him step for step. okay. then let's see what we can do about getting you out of here. you got a name? larry! buster and his aides race for another car parked nearby. probably some kind of gerbil deal. pervert. because some people like blueberry waffles. " . . . stay ahead of the weather. " larry looks at the paper. did we ever! you were an animal. phil! it's not funny. she catches up to him. phil turns to her. okay. she begins walking again. well? did you say something? shhhhh. he was just old. it was his time. -okay, hold it right there. i want to know what' s going on and i want to know right now. "at 8:02 we let it go." are you kidding? nobody's ever done this for me. not even a drawing. it's beautiful. it's not true. it's not. it can't be true. rita? rita! i'm here, i'm here! they kiss, passionately, hungrily.