karen! maybe we should find a different train station. we walk past this temple every day, karen -- it's amazing. you're like this infinite storehouse of wisdom. or trivia. i'm not sure which. nothing. i just -- i like that about you. you seem to be able to remember everything that's really important. except the time. is that right? will i see you tonight? fourteen. i hate odd numbers. it's okay. i've got you. your boss told me what happened. i'm sorry. i talked to your teachers. they said you can take as much time as you need. we could go to kyoto for a weekend, see those temples you're always talking about. there's nothing to run away from, kat. no one blames you for what happened. you went to help someone who was, quite simply, beyond help. don't beat yourself up searching for a greater truth, kat. an old woman passed away in her sleep. it's sad, but that's all it is -- i'm sorry this happened to you. but maybe, in a way, it will help you later. death is an unfortunate but integral part of your future career. there's no avoiding it. maybe now you'll be more. ready for it. i'm doug. karen's boyfriend. you up for this? i got us a guidebook to kyoto. i thought maybe we'd leave tomorrow -- tell you what? you were recovering from a shock. i didn't want to -- karen -- wait -- look, i'm sorry. i was just worried about you, and -- i know you, karen. so you think the events are connected? okay. how about this: the american family knew about what had happened there before, and this knowledge subconsciously caused them to repeat the same events. it's exactly how superstitions survive: if you walk under a ladder and think uh-oh, you're in for some bad luck, sure enough, what do you know? you trip over -- makes sense, right? saw what? karen? you watched a woman die, kat. that's a horrible thing to experience. i can't imagine how you must feel. but sometimes the mind tries to cope with terrible things in a way that distorts what actually occurred. you just need to rest. we'll get you home, get a good night's sleep. you sure? i come bearing gifts. how can i believe you, karen? maybe, what? i'm concerned about you going out while you're so upset -- why? "hey, karen. it's me. i just wanted to say -- i'm sorry. i know i wasn't hearing you. hello?