i'll never get used to this. a public display of affection is considered rude in japan. what's that? yeah, but i've never seen this before. it's a buddhist ritual. the incense smoke carries the prayers to the spirits of his ancestors, to help them remain at peace. it's not trivia. it's what they believe. and it's far better, by the way, than your little pollution ritual. what? oh, crap -- c'mon, you're gonna be late. uh-uh. seven years of bad luck. and i might have a vested interest in those years. maybe. i'll call you when i get home. i just came by to pick up some books i left here. i'm not scheduled to work today -- just a test to study for. why? what's this phrase? hello? mrs. williams? is anyone here? oh my god. are you alright? -- okay, emma. let's try again: my name is karen. do you remember? i'm from the health center. i'm substituting for yoko, just for today. looks like you need a new band-aid. how'd this happen, emma? would you like a bath? maybe that will help you feel better. it's okay, emma. nice one, karen. how did you get up there? hello? yes, he was shut in a closet! there was tape around the -- no, they're not home yet. i don't know, emma hasn't said a word to me -- he's still upstairs -- yes, i'm sure he's japanese -- but -- yes, alright, alex. just please get here as soon as you can. hello there. my name is karen. what's yours? emma, who were you talking to? you should get some rest, emma. running away won't help. i'm not even sure what did happen. no, that's not what i mean. that house. there was something. is that how they said she died? i don't think i'll ever be ready for something like that. why don't you find out when i can check out of here. okay. tired. three months. i needed a social welfare credit. yes. did you find him? yes, that's right. he was. holding a cat. a black cat. there was a book in the closet, too. i think it was a journal. i don't think so. i think it belonged to a woman. the writing. it looked feminine. i left it on the kitchen table. i asked him his name. he said `toshio'. this is him. this is the boy. yes. positive. detective nakagawa? the whole time i was in that house, i felt something was. wrong. what happened there? toshio. why didn't you tell me? about the bodies they found in the attic. the same thing happened three years ago, doug. to a japanese family, who lived in that house. they were all found dead. how would you explain it? -- trip over the curb and sprain your ankle. okay. then explain this: when i went to that house, i didn't know anything about its past. but yet i still saw. emma and i were alone in that room, but -- there was something else there. i'm sure of it. you might be right, doug. but i know what i saw. i think i know what i saw. yeah. you've got class, and i'm sure i only have to fill out a few forms or something -- i'm fine, doug. really. that's the boy who was there yesterday. in that house. but this boy, he's -- -- he's supposed to be dead. i saw him, doug. i talked to him. he told me his name. a boy who was killed by his father three years ago told me his name. you don't believe me. hello? what? alex and yoko are dead. there's something wrong with that house, doug. something really bad. the boy in that house, he had a photo of this man. he died on that same day three years ago. i need to talk to his wife. widow. if i can find out what happened, or if. maybe -- you don't understand. i have to, doug. because i've been inside that house, doug. don't you get it? i've been inside! i love you. but i have to go. i'm looking for maria kirk? my name is karen davies. i'm a student at -- i'm sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if i could ask you a few questions. ms. kirk? i'm here because. i need to speak with you about your husband. maria -- i just need a couple minutes. your husband, peter. three years ago he. he killed himself. i'm. sorry. i didn't. i think there's a connection between your husband's death and something that happened to me. it's. hard to explain. look, i know this sounds strange, but. i don't think your husband wanted to die. if that's true, then why are you still here in japan? did you know a woman named kayako? did peter? maybe it was someone he worked with? please. i don't know what else to do. please help me. oh my god. excuse me, i need to speak with detective nakagawa. it's an emergency. yes, i have important information for him about a case. his partner, detective igarashi? can i speak with him? they're dead, aren't they? doug? no. doug! where are you??? doug??? oh my god. no more. please, no more. doug! no!!!