i am detective nakagawa. this is detective igarashi, my assistant. she is very shaken. we would like her to stay in the hospital tonight, under evaluation. do you know these people? when was the last time you saw him? we've spoken with his employer. he did not show up for work today. if you could please come by tomorrow to make a statement, the address is there, at the bottom -- i'm sorry? for how long? call her at work, then at home. if no one answers, send someone to -- i need your flashlight. we don't know. is it possible that someone could live without. that? why? i'm sorry to disturb you, miss davies. i was wondering if you could answer some additional questions? how are you feeling? you are an exchange student? and you have been volunteering at the health center for? you said this was the first time you'd been in that house? about the japanese boy you said you saw there -- no, not yet. you said the boy had been taped into the closet? did it belong to the boy? i didn't see any book on the table. perhaps someone moved it. did you speak with the boy after you opened the closet? one more question, please. we found this in the room where. are you certain? the bodies of the son and daughter- in-law of the woman you were caring for were found in the attic. it seems that the son killed his wife, and then himself -- please excuse me for a moment. yes? get the surveillance tapes from the office building. hello? have you determined a cause of death? i don't understand. he killed yoko, before he died? then how did she get from the house to the health center? she survived for two days without this? how is that possible?