check this out, each and every one of you. compilation tape, of my own making. i call this the "greatest zooks album". featuring artists like, well i got some hendrix on there, some joplin, mama cass, belushi. all great artists that asphyxiated on their own vomit! can't get this in stores, man, i made it! ozzy osbourne! uh, emmanuel goldstein, sir? whoa, this isn't wood shop class? fyi, alright man, you can sit at home, and do like absolutely nothing and. and your name goes through like seventeen computers a day. 1984, yeah right man, that's a typo. orwell's here and now, he's living large. we have no names, man, no names. we are nameless. can i score a fry? thanks. oh yeah, technicolor rainbow. green one. luscious orange? what's that? what's that? oh yeah? what's that? that's kinda cool. stupid, man. it's universally stupid. yeah but don't forget god. system operators love to use god. it's that whole male ego thing. oh yeah, you want a seriously righteous hack, you score one of those gibsons man. you know, supercomputers they use to like, do physics, and look for oil and stuff? yeah but oh man, wouldn't you just love to get one of those gibsons, baby? ooooh! joey?! it was him, man! i'm gonna hit you! nice place, huh. uh. nikon, can i. can i crash at your place tonight? agent richard gill, you're hacker enemy number one, man. you're a boner! so what do you think, can i crash at your place tonight? yeah. probably had something to do with that bank in idaho. oooo, look at that pooper man. spandex, it's a privilege, not a right! active matrix, man. a million psychedelic colors. man, baby, sweet, ooo! yeah, i bet it looks crispy in the dark. shh! difficulty rating? right. whoa, whowhowhowhoa. crash. and burn! the duel will last until we declare a winner. super hero like even. it's a nice room. nonononono. truce, you guys. listen, we got a higher purpose here, alright? a wake up call for the nintendo generation. we demand free access to data, well, it comes with some responsibility. when i was a child, i spake as a child, i understood as a child, i thought as a child, but when i became a man i put away childish things. what. it's corinthians i, chapter 13, verse 11, no duh. come on. maybe i should just go to the bathroom or something. hold on a second! looks like a hacker wrote it. tag, you're in. 21.8 million bucks, man. oh man. that's universally stupid, man! that's far out! oh wow, we are fried. you're both screwed. i help, we can do it in six. woo hoo! boom! ta-da! phone's alright. the problem must be somewhere else. snoop onto them. yo, everyone check this out. hey, what's the da vinci virus? check this out. it's a memo about how they're gonna deal with those oil spills that happened on the fourteenth. well this hasn't happened yet. a worm and a virus? the plot thickens. may the force be with you, man. yo. i'm blowing up. it's kate, grand central. let's hit it! hey joey, you made it! ai! boom boom aiaiaiaiaee! alright, that was a little tension breaker, that had to be done, alright? yeah? roger. hack the planet! hack the planet! hold on, boys and girls. it is i, the cereal killer, making my first coast to coast, world wide, global television appearance. yes, that's right, i'm here to tell you about this heinous scheme hatched from within ellingson mineral. but for what, you ask? world domination? nay. something far more tacky. a virus called da vinci, that when launched, would cause ellingson mineral tankers to capsize was to be blamed on innocent hackers. but this virus was really the smokescreen, right. what could be so vitally important to protect that someone would create such a nasty, antisocial, very uncool virus program? but why? could it be to cover the tracks for this worm program? a worm that was to steal 25 million bucks. the password for this hungry little sucker belongs to margo wallace, head of public relations at ellingson mineral. and eugene belford, computer security officer. what's this? is this the unnamed account in the bahamas where the money was to be stashed? i think so! yo. i kinda feel like god!