yeah, mom? i'm taking over a tv network. norman? this is mr. eddie vedder, from accounting. i just had a power surge here at home that wiped out a file i was working on. listen, i'm in big trouble, do you know anything about computers? right, well my blt drive on my computer just went awol, and i've got this big project due tomorrow for mr. kawasaki, and if i don't get it in, he's gonna ask me to commit hari kari. yeah, well, you know these japanese management techniques. could you, uh, read me the number on the modem? it's a little boxy thing, norm, with switches on it. lets my computer talk to the one there. yak yak yak. get a job! yesssss! hey! what? no, wait. unbelievable. a hacker! yeah, okay "acid burn", that's enough. shit on me! mm-hmm. can this wait until both my eyes are open, please? well, yeah, i just haven't found one as charming as you yet. right, mom. and i'm still a virgin! excuse me. yeah, i'm sorry, i was just looking for the principal's office. sorry, you wanted? great. cool. what's your name? my. class. you mean i'm not in your class? give me time! yeah. pool? yeah! sure. thanks! homicidal? that's a nice score for a girl. i'll give it a shot. sorry, can i get some room here? well, it looks like i'm on top. who's that? and what's he do? pool on the roof must have a leak. that's ginsburg. i said give me time. hmmm. revenge. no. no one special. right. anything else, you want me to mow the lawn? oops, forgot. new york. no grass. international unix environments. computer security criteria, dod standards. the pink shirt book, guide to ibm pcs. so called due to the nasty pink shirt the guy wears on the cover. devil book. the unix bible. dragon book. compiler design. the red book. nsa trusted networks. otherwise known as the ugly red book that won't fit on a shelf. you did this from your house. maybe. but, if i were gonna hack some heavy metal, i'd, uh, work my way back through some low security, and try the back door. you heard of a hacker called acid burn? you know who he is? crash override. no. what's going on? who are these guys? razor and blade. what is it with this guy? did you talk to him? christ! what is the. what are you doing, man? get off me! fifteen hundred and seven. i'm sorry. who are you? nah. i don't play well with others. shit! come on! blow me. that explains a lot. how did you know that? yeah? display? shit! was that her top? burn! the sensitive type. burn. you're acid burn. you booted me out of otv! i'm crash override. it's cool, i'm just looking. yeah? it has a killer refresh rate. yeah. it's not just the chip, it has a pci bus. but you knew that. yeah. risc is good. you sure this sweet machine's not going to waste? yeah. name your stakes. your slave? and if i win? make it our first date. and you have to smile. talking to me? dead. yeah. like rigor mortis, habeas corpus. right. if i win, you wear a dress on our date. deal. thanks. do my ears deceive me? i can't. everybody who touches that thing gets busted, i can't afford to get arrested, i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i can't. okay. i'll copy it. i told you, i don't play well with others. that's bullshit. you lay a finger on her and i'll kill you. i got it. but listen, kate didn't know what's on it. i mean, she came to me to figure it out. she's not the one who planted the virus. you leave her alone. kate, listen. i have to tell you something. this isn't a virus. it's a worm! it nibbles. you see this? this is every financial transaction ellingson conducts, yeah? from million dollar deals to the ten bucks some guy pays for gas. and no one's caught it because the money isn't really gone. it's just data being shifted around. joey got cut off before he got to that part. check it out. by this point, it's already running at, what, twice the speed as when it started. and judging by this segment alone, it's already eaten about. i know, i know who wrote it. this ellingson security creep. i gave him a copy of the disc you gave me. i didn't know what was on it. i got a record. i was zero cool. i'll make it up to you! i'll hack the gibson. fucked if i care, man. okay. let's go shopping. you know, if i didn't live by a strict code of honor, i might take advantage of this situation. erotically, as it were. shit!! well, we have fifty passwords, plus whatever polaroid head here got inside ellingson. what? razor and blade! they're flakes! i don't like this. aaaaaugh! i definitely don't like this! ummm. we come in peace? it's somehow connected with the worm that's stealing the money. let's go, kate. yeah. man, there's too many garbage files, i need more time. yeah, maybe i'm not. but we are, you asshole. i found it! i found it! oh, shit! he got me. joey. i need you to drop your viruses, go after the worm. you're the closest. it's root slash period workspace slash period garbage period. we did it! they're trashing our rights, man! they're trashing the flow of data! they're trashing! trashing! trashing! hack the planet! hack the planet! me, alright? i did it. she knows shit about computers. she. she's just my girlfriend. i'm trying to help you. what? yeah. you look good in a dress. wanna go for a swim? they didn't. the guys felt it was the only way i'd get a date. anyway, you're pretty good. you're elite. beat that! you know, i've been having these really weird.