good morning, gentlemen. please be seated. i see we're still dressing in the dark, eugene. precisely what you're paid to prevent. virus? excuse me? what, it left a note? so what are we supposed to do? what the hell was that all about? what? i don't want to go to jail for this. but you've created a virus that's going to cause a worldwide ecological disaster, just to arrest some hacker kid? jesus. you know, you're sick, eugene. you. get it! why did i ever trust you? get the file. otherwise you'll lose all your toys. murphy kid turn you down? pervert! what are you talking about? congratulations. so? they had a large chunk of the garbage file? how much do they know? you said the worm was untreaceable! launch the da vinci virus? you can't do that! what is it? what's wrong? "minor glitch" with you seems to turn into a major catastrophe. what's happening? rabbit, flu-shot, someone talk to me. cancer? colonel who? cancer, brain. brain cancer? oh my god! plague? eugene? i don't even know how to work a vcr, let alone a computer! get off! look, listen, i'll make a deal. eugene belford! i know where his mother is, i promise you. get offa me! i need a lawyer!