dade? what are you doing? finish up, honey, and get to sleep. and happy birthday. good morning. you unpack your stuff yet? up all night again, huh? can i cut the electricity to his room so he'll sleep normal hours? he's been playing with his computer all night for a solid week. well yes, he could be playing with himself. mmm hmm. yes i'll ask. dade, you like girls, don't you? you haven't been doing anything stupid, right, dade? right, dade?! you hooked it up to the phone, didn't you? dade! turn the shower off! you screw up again and you won't get into college! i'm sorry we had to move in your senior year. i didn't want to sell the house but i had to take this new job, you know that. you're going to love new york, it's the city that never sleeps! how was school? what did we learn in school today? aaaah. did we meet someone special? okay, i gotta get back to work. i'm gonna be home late. and would you try and please fill these out? oh don't worry, it's only the rest of your life. and unpack. hi! well, now i see what all the fuss is about. dade. you have company. listen you guys, help yourself to anything in the fridge. cereal has. my son happens to be a genius. he understands something happening today that you won't comprehend if you live to be a hundred, and he would never use what he knows to harm a living soul. oh good. cause i have a few things to tell them. mister, i don't care if i face certain death.