never heard of you. done anything? what, your mom buy you a 'puter for christmas? does he know anything? come in. again? yeah sure. yo, showtime, showtime! that's razor and blade. yo phreak! dade, man, you made it. houston, we have liftoff, 3 o'clock, check it. don't look right away, what's wrong with you! look at her man. look out, man. lisa blair, 26 east 7th st., apartment 16, 555-4817, boom! i got photographic memory. it's a curse! lisa! i want it. seven. wow! burn's wetware matches her software! what the f. yeah, it's hyped, you know. you're in the butter zone now, baby. our decisions are final, by a vote of 2 to 1. no appeals. very impressive. look at this, it's so lean and clean. but that's ill, man. it's incomplete. this is taking forever and a day to figure out. i'm gonna make some coffee. what's this one eat? two days. yo, man, you an amateur, man. zero cool? crashed fifteen hundred and seven systems in one day? biggest crash in history, front page, new york times, august 10th, 1988. i thought you was black, man! yo, man, this is zero cool! oh, shit! this is zero cool, man! whooo, haha! they'll trace you like that man, cops are gonna find you, they're gonna find you with a smoking gun. look, even if you had the passwords, it'll take you ten minutes to get in, and you've still gotta find the files, man, i mean, the cops will have you in. five minutes. jesus, i gotta save all your asses. i help, we can do it in five minutes, man. he's way down there. yo, brain dead, the manual! as they snoop onto us. hey, burn. we got a little problem here. well, i got a lot, alright? i don't know how many but. my head hurts. whoa, whoa. yo, brain-dead, today is the thirteenth. damn! whoa, whoa whoa whoa, where are you going, huh? joey's getting stupid busy. yes!