make way for the hardin county express. hey, where's tim? we're supposed to go over the list of events for tonight -- he do that to you? pig. what the hell happened this time? hold on, hot lips. we got work to do. how many times o i have to tell you? it's not about halloween. it's about being political. there are too many people with corn-cobs up their ass in this town telling us what we can and can't do. if we want change, it's up to us to set an example. reality check, dillweed. this is 1995. see you tonight, mrs. blankenship! why? you interested? you mean tommy. yeah, on the weirdness scale he's about an eleven. supposedly some scary shit happened to him when he was a kid. messed up his head. he's harmless, though. probably just lonely. speed kills, asshole! i've got my pepper spray. someone's trying to scare us out of having this fair . and it's not gonna work. give us victory or give us death. see you tonight, kara! seven-thirty is the costume pageant . carving jack-o'-lanterns at eight . photos for the school paper at nine . then harry lights the tree at nine- thirty . i just know i'm forgetting something! that's what worries me. what tim means is that we've taken a firm stand against censorship. not only for haddonfield, but for every town in the nation. our generation will not let the powers-that-be control our minds, dictate what clothes we wear, what music we listen to, or what holidays we celebrate. jesus, that's my neighbor. tommy. kara and danny never showed up tonight. we'd better go home and check on them. there's nothing else for us to do here. we can light our own tree at home. guess they -- went to the fair after all. what if your parents come home? aren't you gonna answer that? what if it's kara? hello? kara? . no, this is beth. we were worried about you guys so we left early to see if you were -- he's in the bathroom. kara, what the hell is going on?