let me get this straight, debi. now you're saying that not only does this guy get you sexually aroused, but now you want to bear his offspring?! you're talking about one of this nation's most notorious serial killers like he belongs in some kind of est seminar! what planet have you been on, lady? michael myers has been dead for six years! now we've got someone who claims he's actually seen michael myers. does this whacko caller have a name? sounds like you're a candidate for electroshock therapy, tommy. don't tell me after all this time you still believe myers is alive?! next up is dwayne. what's on your feeble excuse for a mind, "dwayne?" do you have a point to make here, dwayne, or should i just keep practicing my wrist exercises? you people really get me. what are they putting in the water in that town? for anyone who gives a flying circus, this is harry simms -- the light in your night, the love of your loins -- and i want to hear from more of you bogeyman believers out there. so give me your best shot at 1-800-878-7274. that's 1-800-urtrash! so they're trying to kill you and your baby. don't tell me. your name also happens to be rosemary. come on, sweetheart -- what is this? who's coming? this is hard harry simms harping on ya from the big apple. tonight's the night and the place to be is the first annual harvest faire. so come on out of your broom closets, 'fielders, and bogey the night away with me. your mother? so they're trying to kill you and your baby. don't tell me. your name also happens to be rosemary. come on, sweetheart -- what is this? who's coming? i'm coming. yes. i'm coming. get ready. i'm coming. oh, yes! yesss!!! made ya look!!! i'm coming, all right. and you better be there. tonight. let's do it together. it's almost that time, all you kiddies and women with big -- hey, what rhymes with kiddies? so let's count it down as we get down to the witching hour! hellllo, haddonfield!!! i'm here with tim and beth -- the organizers of tonight's event. how does it feel knowing you've finally pulled halloween out of the closet? i'll remember that the next time my wife tells me i didn't make her climax.