oh, god, it's coming! it's coming! mary, mother of god, please make it stop! please . give him to me . no, please . my baby! damn you!! damn you all to hell!!! oh, god . he's coming! no -- drive! goddamnit, drive! god . help us, please . no -- please listen! they're coming . coming for me and my baby. it's . michael . . michael myers! somebody help me! dr. loomis, are you out there? can you hear me? has locked herself inside one of the stalls. heart pounding. the footsteps grow louder. jamie's eyes dart frantically. is jolted forward in her seat. holding on the wheel with a white-knuckle grip as she's repeatedly hit from behind. no!!! no -- no!!! no, please listen! they're coming . coming for me and my baby. it's . michael . michael myers! it's . michael . michael myers! please -- don't let him do this to me. please, michael . help me.