some of us have to get some sleep around here. what's with that kid? enough . . of this . . michael myers . . shit! you stinkin' kids got three seconds to get the hell off my property! one, two -- shitheads . defacing my property. i showed them . kids are what's ruining this country. everywhere you go, it's the same. no goddamn respect. see what i'm talkin' about? who the hell told you to come live here in the first place? she don't show her face for five years, then expects us to roll out the red carpet. you think going to college is gonna make up for your mistakes, girl? what the fuck -- that's it, debra, keep slipping her the cash. while you're at it, why don't you just give her all our goddamn money?! i only see one bastard in this house. you ever raise your hand to me again, i'll kill you, you understand? i want her and that kid out of here tonight. strode realty. what is it this time? what the fuck are you doing letting strangers in without -- what in god's name are you talking about, woman? when are you gonna stop listening to those damned talk shows? debra, you're fuckin' insane. trick-or-treat to you, too. pretty woman, walking down the street . pretty woman, the kind i'd like to meet. damn kid . this is my house . what the fuck . . debra, open this goddamn door before i break it down! you got to three . . one . two . . two and a half . debra -- i'm home! work all day and not even any supper . all right . you can all come out now . what is this shit? so this is the game you wanna play. fine. go ahead. keep it up all night . is that you, you little brat? danny?! when i get my hands on you, kid, you're gonna wish you were never born! oh, i'm scared. i'm really scared. what the hell --