danny! shh. mommy's here. what is it? danny, no one's there. it's all right, mom. go back to bed. stay away monters, stay away ghouls. stay away from danny. you jerks know the rules. better? home is here in grandma and grandpa's new house. at least while i'm in college. remember our deal. they did, did they? since when did we start listening to the kids at school? you've been watching too much tv. like what? if you mean the things grandpa says sometimes, ignore him. once he gets to know you he'll come around . let the bad things you hear slide right off your back. okay . but just for tonight. good-night, danny. it's called psychology, mom. living in this house is what's driving me crazy. i'd better get danny to school. let's go, danny. i'm sorry, mom. stay away from her, you bastard. another episode of 'daddy knows best' at the strode house. beth, who's that guy that lives across the hall from you? no! i keep seeing him staring out his window. watching me. tim, do you always have to act like such an asshole? who is that . i can't find my term paper. thorn . mom, i'm home . hello? mom? mom? . danny? mom? are you there? who the hell are you? what are you doing with my son? where's my mother? danny, go downstairs -- now! my, god! what have you done to him? you stay away from him! do you mind telling me what this is all about? tim and beth are waiting for us. you can't expect us to stay here -- do you know how insane this is? who am i supposed to be looking for? danny, you're just going to have to wait! here. let me try. there. all it takes is a mother's touch. why would anyone want to kill an innocent baby? it's a rune . thorn. runes were a kind of early alphabet that originated in northern europe thousands of years ago. they were symbols -- carved out of stone or pieces of wood. of all the runes, thorn had the most negative influence. cults used them in blood rituals to portend future events and invoke magic. halloween. where are you going? oh, god -- where's danny? kara flies down the hall, the baby in her arms. tommy moves out right behind her. danny?! danny! danny, don't ever walk off without telling me where you're going! mrs. blankenship, what did you mean about the little boy who used to live across the street? mrs. blankenship, please. this is important! what voice? what are you talking about? his what?! there's nothing to be scared of, baby. it's just another storm. try to get some sleep. no one's coming to get you. not while i'm around. i promise. beth, are you in there? mom -- who is this? what are you doing there? where's my mother? is tim there? i'm across the street. i can see you. beth, i want you to listen to me. get tim and get out of that house. right now. beth, look out! there's someone in the room! he's right behind you! danny, no!!! shoots across the lawn. up the porch steps. right behind him. danny? come on . danny, please. danny, run!!! brandishes the fireplace poker at the killer. the shape moves in, backing her through the bathroom . into danny's room. suddenly she slams the door on the shape. danny, come to mommy. danny, help me! danny!!! please! open the door! please! somebody help us! help us please!!! where's the baby?! danny! danny, where are you?! danny, no . please . mrs. blankenship -- oh, god -- hurry. we have to -- lies on her back, eyes close, hands folded over her chest in silent repose. she doesn't move. is being pushed forward on a gurney. strapped down. screaming for god's mercy. danny!!! michael, please. you can make him stop. you remember, don't you? remember what he did to you that night. what his voice told you to do. you can stop it, michael. stop the voice forever. danny, don't listen! the voice isn't real! danny!!! what now?! come on! how will we ever find him?