ten years ago he tried to kill laurie strode . now he wants her daughter. michael myers is here to kill that little girl and anyone else who gets in his way! not dead. just very much retired. what the devil?! come in -- come in! that's the whole idea of living in the country. i thrive on the seclusion. and in all these years, i've never known you to make house calls, dr. wynn. especially at this hour . i hope you didn't come all the way out here in this storm just to quote freud. but surely rogers isn't -- why -- congratulations! i can think of no one better suited for the position. you should know that it's not wise to play halloween pranks on me. even after my stroke six years ago they practically had to hold a gun to my head to get me to retire. now things have changed. i've changed. the ghosts have been buried. why on earth would i want to dig them up again? please try to understand, terence. i've already made up my mind. it was her voice. on the radio. it was jamie. calling for me. it was jamie lloyd. she came back, as i knew she would one day. and whatever has brought her back has brought michael back as well. that's what someone wants us to believe, but i tell you michael is alive. i feel him. i sense the evil that lives inside, just as i did all those years as i watched him. sitting behind these very same walls. staring. growing stronger. as my colleague, as my friend, please. i can't go through this again. not alone. i need your help to stop him. or what's left of him. it's a sign. he's come home. please. i need to see the sheriff. you must be sheriff holdt. i'd like to introduce you to terence wynn, the chief of staff at -- michael myers is my business. i suppose it was a ghost that did all this. a ghost who called the radio station last night. maybe that same ghost is lying over there right now. dear god . jamie! i'm here now, jamie. you're going to live. you have to. yes? i'm sorry, but do i know you -- yes . tommy. what are you doing here? what do you know about michael? right now at least one girl is dead and jamie lloyd is in there fighting for her life. she is the last of his blood line. if she dies -- tommy, wait! an old friend. i'm very sorry, mrs. strode. i've been knocking. the door was open. is everything all right in here? i've come to help your family. michael myers was just six-years-old when he stabbed his sister to death in 1963. here in this house. for the next fifteen years, i became obsessed with finding out what was living inside of him. he was my lift's work and my ultimate failure. i knew what he was but i never knew why. there's a living force inside of him. driving him. and i fear that somehow it has been unleashed again. he crept up these stairs and made his way into this room. his sister's room. right here. where it all began. this house is sacred to him. it's the source of his memories -- his rage. mrs. strode, i beg you. don't let your family suffer the same fast as laurie and her daughter. found this morning. in a field outside haddonfield. stabbed. this force which drives him, which keeps him alive, comes from something more powerful -- more deadly than we can possibly imagine. the embodiment of all that is evil. lock the doors and call your husband. get your family as far away from haddonfield as possible. mrs. strode, michael myers is here to kill his family. and he won't stop until you are all destroyed. i only thank god that i found you before he did. any word on the location of the strodes? good. i want around-the-clock surveillance on that house. what's wrong? what's happened to jamie? jamie . i failed you again. i never should have left you. now will you do something?! how many more innocent people have to die?! you let it get to her. how could you? god in heaven. you don't tell me she was -- i think i may already know . wait! this boy is being placed in my custody. uncuff him! this is a matter of life or death. i know enough already. just shut your mouth and take me to that baby. tommy! get them upstairs. now! no one. only me -- -- and dr. wynn. wynn!!! run, tommy!!! run!!! where's the child? this is madness, wynn. it was you. why did you take jamie? jamie's baby . samhain. you've created a monster. no!!! leave the boy. take me. painfully crawls away. die, michael. in the name of god, die!