my name's tommy. i was only eight- years-old when i saw him. but i was lucky. i survived. michael's work isn't finished in haddonfield. now it's just a matter of time before he comes home to kill again. but this time i'll be ready. can you tell me if a bus arrived from russellville last night? thank you. follows the crimson path around the corner down a dim hallway, stopping at the door marked "ladies room." checking first to make sure the coast is clear, he steps furtively inside. jesus . okay, little guy. you're okay. i need to see a doctor. i-it's a baby -- my baby. there's been -- been an accident. just get me a doctor right now! dr. loomis! dr. loomis, thank god you're here. you heard her, didn't you? it was jamie. i'm tommy. tommy doyle. laurie strode -- jamie's mother -- she was baby-sitting for me that night -- please -- just tell me the truth. has michael myers come home? i know he's alive. people in this town -- they want us to believe he's dead. but i know. i've always known. no, dr. loomis. she's not the last night. oh, god -- his cousins. the strodes. they're living in the myers house! i gotta go. shhh. okay, okay, kyle. you like that name? yeah, i think it suits you. this is worse for me than it is for you. it's okay, big guy. don't you worry. i'm gonna take care of you. i-i'm your neighbor from across the street. my name's tommy. tommy doyle. she wasn't here when i brought danny home from -- i didn't -- he got in a fight and i -- i want you to listen very carefully to everything i'm about to tell you. quiet around here tonight, huh, mrs. b.? i want you to watch your house. you can see everything from this window. him. shhh. it's okay, kyle. just give me one more -- -- second. there you go, big guy. god, what's wrong with him? kyle's mother might be dead for all i know. now i'm afraid he could be next. not just kyle. all of you. his entire family. here. look at this. it was there when i found him this morning. it looks like some kind of letter or number or -- black magic . 'in ancient times, thorn was believed to cause sickness, famine and death. translated literally, it was the name of a demon spirit that delivered human sacrifices . on the celtic celebration of samhain.' 'when applied directly to another person, thorn could be used to call upon them confusion and destruction -- to literally visit them with the devil.' to find the rest of your family before michael myers does -- or whoever's been controlling him. mrs. blankenship, have you seen the little boy who came in with me and -- take the kids upstairs, lock the door and wait for me. and kara, whatever you do -- don't go back to your house. pushes through a dense crowd. suddenly he bumps shoulders with the stranger. more people pass. there was something very sinister about that man. removes his gun. flows through the crowd like a vengeful wraith. stop that man! stop him!!! stop that man! he's the one! is shoved into the back of the squad car. suddenly loomis appears. prevailing upon the sheriff. dr. loomis, there's something you should know -- oh my god -- get them out of there! get out!!! oh, god -- kara!!! the baby -- where's the baby?! he's gone. who else knew i had the baby?! no -- there had to be someone else. who knew?! no!!! kara, no! is wheeled through another tunnel. his face a mass of bloody cuts and bruises. his eyes glazed over, trying to find focus. slamming into darkness. holy shit . this way! wait a minute . it's not working! someone's controlling it!