christ, what a night! not even so much as a sign for five miles on that road! don't tell me that the reviled rasputin of smith's grove has grown complacent in his golden years. i don't buy it for a single second, dr. loomis. unlike you, sam, i learned many years ago not to second-guess the motives of my fellow man. remember what freud said: 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.' or, in this case, a drink is just a drink. as always, your keen powers of perception astound me. and you're right. i've come to celebrate. after thirty-two years as psychiatric administrator, guess who has been named smith's groves new chief of staff. retiring. of course, i need a new administrator. someone who can bring new life -- and some old blood, if you'll pardon the expression -- back to our program . we need you, dr. loomis. you're the only man for the job, sam. things haven't been the same since you left. i'm recruiting the best psychiatric team in the country. old colleagues. this is your change to finally make a difference. seems to me there's at least one ghost that's still lurking in your closet. but with rogers and his house of hacks gone, you'd make the rules. just think it over. you don't know that for sure. it could have been anyone. a practical joke. kids. after six years? sam, she died with him in that explosion after the -- cancel all my appointments. get dr. loomis anything he needs -- files, tests, records of every treatment ever administered to a former patient of ours -- michael myers. that's right. we think there's a very good chance he might still be alive. notify haddonfield's sheriff; tell him we're on our way. i want the entire staff on alert. we go to code red lockdown for twenty-four hours. if he is alive, i plan on bringing him back. what is that? official business. sam, don't -- let them take care of her. there's nothing more you can do for her. i'll be right back. there you are. who was that boy? there's more people moving eastbound down old reservoir road past the elementary school. no one's home. checked it out myself. sam, i just got word from the hospital. you'd better get over there right away. i'll meet you over there. don't do this to yourself, sam. let's go. come on. what is it? then where's her baby? what is this all about? remove those! sam, you know you never fail to amaze me. yesterday happily retired, today right back in the thick of things. somehow i knew you still had it in you. come now, sam. this is a gathering of old friends. i know how difficult this must be for you -- a man of your upbringing and integrity -- but now that i'm in charge i felt it was only fair that you finally know the truth. after all, you're the only one around here who's still in the dark, as it were. this isn't the way i wanted to tell you, but you've really given me no other choice. your madness is another man's greatness. this is the way things have always been. you've just been too blinded by your own reality to see. but having you on the outside has been convenient for us in many ways. you always did come through -- our loyal watch dog. finding him. bringing him back to us once he'd finished his work. although after you had that nasty stroke the last time, i had to go after him myself. and what a terrible time we had getting him out of that jail cell. sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. she has the gift -- the blood of thorn running through her veins. michael's mother had it, too. so for six years i incubated her, prepared her for this night. michael has served his purpose. and soon we will have a new progeny. there you go trying to make sense again. it's a curse. handed down through countless generations. as ageless as this celebration which you call halloween. and i'm its deliverer. its calling card, if you will. i follow it. protect it. act as its guardian. in a sense, sam, so do you. i know you have more questions, my friend, and there's so much more for you to try to make sense of. look at him. so silent, yet so deadly. he moves when i tell him to. act on my impulses. feels what i feel. michael -- rise. michael -- pain. michael -- kill. amazing, isn't it? i even taught him to drive. we're not the only ones, you know. there are many believers -- generous contributors to our church. you'd be amazed to know how far it reaches. behind, disciples of thorn! the final sign! the birth of the heretic child, delivered unto us on the eve of our great feast of the sun . as i have foreseen it. spirits and powers of the flame, attend and witness this ritual. bear our gifts to thorn. open us to the path of darkness. by these runes transform us. open our eyes and show us the chosen one to whom we offer this sacrifice of innocent blood. strong and fierce thorn, thundered, by thy hammer we summon thee and offer this sacrifice of innocent blood. let thy darkness descend on your son. danny. lord of the dead. kill for him, danny . kill for him. kill him, danny. kill him! kill him, danny! you feel the rage inside! you are thorn! stay away, sam. good-bye, dr. loomis.