a bee spirals the air and lands on the sleeve of a nervous arm. this arm protrudes from the dark chevy, parked before the bank. the engine is running. the arm fidgets. shoos the insect away. with white knuckles, it grips the wheel. squads of police cars form a noose around the building. a s.w.a.t. teem spews from a transport unit, armed for the big tightening. guns and ammo abound. a portly man, oily, thick, bellows out negotiations via his horn; introducing ted, the police captain, brock - aspires to be warren beatty, more like ned beatty. ted punches chad on the shoulders. jerry #1 rides air and glass out and across the street into another awaiting police windshield. paramedics converge on the hostages . the cops are at a loss - deers staring down a pair headlights. they train their guns on the bank, waiting for answers. the aftermath. hancock is swarmed under media lights, reporters squeezing through a wall of people, police, trying to get a piece of this superman.