this is the longfellow's street - lower-middle class but comfortable, quaint, safe. mr. longfellow, hustling through the street, takes us home. greeting him at the entrance, at the mailboxes, is clyde banner . quite large this tenant is, quite simply a cro-magnon man. clyde stands with the morning paper in hand, searching carelessly through. he finds the sports page. hides it under his robe. mary moves through the street, embracing a grocery bag. she continues her way, purpose in every step. no window shopping bullshit for this woman - mary's strong, beautiful. she crosses the street, her destination: central fidelity bank. a dark chevy eases pass mary on this street, pulls to a stop. mary continues forth, entering the bank. mary hastens after aaron, urine-soaked and on the verge of tears. he rages down the street while his mother pursues. an apartment building engulfed in flames. fire trucks don't even bother with the hoses - it's too late. around them, tenants bemoan the loss of. like a wrecking ball, hancock bursts through the burning rubble and surfaces clean on the other side of the building. blanketed under his cape are two little toddlers, and a young woman in bra and panties. he lowers them to safety. erratic traces of an urban landscape jag about. aaron's distorted view of his neighborhood comes sharp and in flashes as he is pursued by his tormentors. spengler. erlick. perceval. they chase him from behind, hooting, taunting poor aaron - they're out for blood. aaron cuts into an alley, lungs pumping. through the street darts mary, eyes berserk in search for herher son. she looks at her watch. and up. up ahead, by steps apartment - aaron, levitating in air. hancock explains this defiance of gravity. he gently lowers aaron on the sidewalk, before his mother. she beckons him. like a shield, she envelops him with her arms. she stares up at hancock - her eyes, stricken with fear. or possibly, they were awestruck. mary, among other pedestrians, head homeward. her pace say she's in no hurry to get there. out of an alley and into the street - hancock, trenchcoated, inconspicuous, and in pursuit. j mary. walking. hancock. following. from across the street. mesmerized and in a world to himself. he crosses. the street, failing to look both ways. bah! a ups truck strikes the clueless superhero, sending him across air - towards mary. mr. longfellow rounds the corner and ambles home. he is tired and his face shows it. there to make it worse - clyde. he's back, getting at the sports page on the front steps. a sudden burst of outrage consumes horus. he approaches the steps with fire and. along a street somewhere who cares - hancock and mary - in a cool stroll. mary holds his trenchcoat, surveying the damage. aaron races down the. last leg of his street. on the steps of his apartment building - hancock, making himself at home. yes, a cigarette smolders from his lips. hancock looks at the boy. they share a second of silence. and finally, hancock-puts out his hand - he approves. aaron, triumphant, smacks it for five. horus struggles homeward - his mind in a headlock with anger, despair, a combination thereof. he moves down his street. looks ahead - where clyde stands, pillaging his morning paper. clyde spots horus on the approach. smiles at him, with impunity. goes back in. on horus - you can boil an egg in his seething mouth. hancock walks an aimless walk - in oblivion, a whiskey bottle in his hand. he's been drinking. l"i in his path and up ahead, a little girl sue beckons at the upper branches of a tree.