how's the eye? it'll be gone in a week. mom'11 touch it up with some make-up and you won't even know it's there. there'll always be people around who'll. exert force over those of us who just want to live in peace. aaron listens, observing his father's efforts. the thing to do is. to avoid them. they're no-wins. can't-wins. you hold the anger. and move on. you hold the anger. i tell you because i can't take it, seeing you hurt. you're part of me. i'm late for work. get some sleep. tomorrow always feels better. mary. roheim. let's go home. roheim stirs. i just made the last run. he helps the old man to his feet. clyde. clyde shoves the remains of the paper at horus - in his face. thanks. how was your day? mother and son - if eyes could disembowel. mary? mary blinks back her attention. let me see your eye. i told him about the other cheek. avoid confrontations. to turn the other cheek. mary? good thing he was there. i don't know what i'd do. if you. mary does not hear him. until the door shuts behind her. she turns to face an empty room. oh, it's not like you. what you do or anything. a department store over on third. i'm a security guard. i'm just. it's a night job. i sit around. i need to get ready. oh, i. you don't have to leave. i don't want to interfere. i have work. it's all right, mary. i'm late. i don't have time. i'll grab some on the way. thanks. mary accepts it - not entirely guilt-free. it's a short walk. acknowledged. an awkward beat while they stare at each other. . until finally, they go their separate ways - horus via walk and hancock, with effortless grace,, via flight. from the sidewalk and awe-stricken - horus watches hancock merge into the blackness. a look of dread squats on his face. a cup of coffee, please. holly takes the order. leaves to fetch it. how are you, john? you know. things are slow. another dream?' roheim. come on. no. no. you shouldn't drink. clyde. can i talk to you for just a brief moment? just get in? mary steps out of the bathroom, buttoning up her domestic attire. she nods affirmatively. i can't sleep. she goes to the bed. palms his forehead with her right. palms her own with the left, as reference. horus tilts his head away from her hand. please, mary. no thank you. he'll take him home? what do we know about this man? the papers. they don't have all the facts about him. yes. a hero. i know that. (notices mary, applying i thought maybe you'd like it -- if i pick you. dear god. horus catches him. jesus. goes to the bathroom sink for some paper towels. comes back to nurse' the wounds. who. what happened? why didn't you come through the back. standing out there in the dark? what're you doing? stop. you're not old. no one's canning anyone. no one saw us. watch your step. leave. you're going to be okay? get some sleep. i have to get home, now. i'll call. roheim grabs on to his sleeve. i'd like my sports page, please. i want you to stop taking my sports page. that there. my sports page. no. no. i would like my sports page now. please. i'd prefer it now. mary! a deaf ear. no one's there to console him. he storms out of the apartment. drink. the bartender comes out, considers this man's appearance. no. nevermind. where's your bathroom? how much. thank you. son. go to your room. struggles to his knees. aaron. go to your room. don't "horus longfellow" me, mary. i'm not your child. i'm your husband. because i let you down. all that i can do. the frontdoor. and with that, stumbles out of police? mary. he's off, slowing to a ginger descent at the stairs. makes his way down to the second floor. where he is greeted by a gun nozzle, pressed against his temple. what're you doing here. roheim ed mary called earlier. she was worri about you. mary. mary. he's got mary, roheim. i got to get her. i got to do what i got to do. aaron stares up at his father - "did he just say that?" jesus, aaron. i don't want you to be here. mary! mary responds to her name like a body to sugar. mary! fuck you. hancock pries himself loose - enraged beyond imaginable. he growls - looking to retaliate. but there's no horus. hancock explores the rubble - by the building. a sudden explosion rips the base of a nearby wall - it jars the wall loose, sending it crashing down, on hancock. crunch, the concrete rips right pass hancock - stuns but does not subdue him. he shakes off the dirt. finds horus down the street. like a rocket, hancock heads that way. he gets there, over horus - grabbing him by the collar. with a swift flick, he sends the family man flying. thud as his body careens off the killybegs wall. he drops to the asphalt below. horus - in pain, something broken possibly. mary! aaron. roheim. in disbelief. mary! hancock - not a word. he stands in comatose silence, looking pale. horus charges the building in possessed hysterics, trying to excavate his wife - one brick at a time. roheim meets him there, in an effort to console.