rain sloshes against a kitchen window. where the sink is. not far from the kitchen table. where the longfellow family sits, dinner before them. horus leans over his plate, eating his meal. here idles a man of diminutive frame, bespectacled, placid - as harmless as low fat milk. he sits opposite mary , frenetically appropriating food. a gentle beauty. entwined in maternal angst she is estrogen with an attitude. a meek little aaron , slouches between the folks - a black eye tattoos the left of his face. aaron stares at the damn plate, finding no humor in eggplant. see steam, rising from a faucet of running hot water. it rises from a sink of soiled dishes - where mary deposits another set of pots. she's clearing the table. down a dark hallway, a streak of light escapes from an open door. inside and on the bed, the frail posture of horus changes out of his clothes. we're in the hallway. where horus kneels. he's bent listening into aaron's bedroom, in his security clothes. by the tv and in her apron, mary watches the news. the tv set. more news on the day's activities. mary sits mesmerized on the sofa, holding a dish she had planned to dry. aaron surfaces from the hallway, lured out by the tv he comes up behind mary - his black eyes on the news. in the kitchen, in the sink, stacks of plates indicate that dinner is through. company has moved into the living room, with the exception of horus. aaron kneels besides hancock. mary, across from him. the dinner table. post meal. mid-digestion. aaron is running off at the mouth. on the kitchen floor and under the light - mary and aaron, mother giving son a haircut. in the kitchen and under the light, mary. hancock. aaron. mary is finishing up on aaron, applying the last snip. the big haircut. mary and hancock - up close. mary runs her fingers through his hair, testing his length. she leans into him. snip, goes her scissor. hancock - in his seat, as hard as marble. he seems a bit lost in her presence. baffled. from his position, the view consists of mary - blossoming in her sweater. and that's it. not a word during this process - just the sound of their breaths. hancock. erected before us, the immediate product of a mediocre haircut - he looks plain and un-super. he looks. goofy. horus storms into the room. in time to greet a police officer, trying to pry aaron from the bathroom sink. aaron - in his pajamas, creeping down a dark hallway. he approaches a door.