nutri-cop. horus keeps walking. nutri-cop. he's dead, man. they're taking off. fuck, you guys know what this means? the store's ours. he ain't coming back? in unison - their flashlights flick on. take the show upstairs. guys? fuck me. he drops his loot. heads for the second floor, cocking his gun. you're starting to piss me off. he pushes horus down the remaining steps. your move. horus uncoils an accurate kick to scarpo's groin. scarpo - a dumbfounded look entwined in pain. he drops. horus goes for the gun. a struggle ensues, scarpo finding horus to the side. strength from god knows where. g takes dead aim with a tremblin bang. horus grimaces. scarpo drops. .45 smoking in his hand. did i get him? horus. roheim. they look at scarpo.