'less he can walk through wall. kick his ass, percy. save some for us. someone blinks - and aaron finds himself on the dirt, supine. perceval looms over him, silhouetted against the sky. he reaches for his zipper, doing that perceval-thing. a look of recognition in aaron's eyes - it's going to rain soon. he reacts with knee-jerk reflects, administering a swift kick into perceval's peeing apparatus. a faint squeal eructs from the fellow's mouth. he drops like a wet tea bag. erlick. spengler. shock. disbelief. aaron gets to his feet, ready to book. but he doesn't. he stays. kick his ass, percy. aaron stares at them, behind the fence. then down at perceval fetal position, mouth agape. aaron reaches for his zipper zip, revenge presents itself. kill him, percy. aaron cranes himself over perceval's face, over his open oral orifice. contemplates his target. aaron - to pee or not to pee. zip. he closes his fly. steps away.