the pizza here, yet? ooh, one sec. time's. all hell's gonna break loose, fellas. my koochie, woochie, oochie ooo. a blast rings out from central fidelity. glass shatters from the entrance. a body, the security guard, tumbles out and onto the sidewalk. blood and brain exits in oozes where the bullet had entered - he's probably dead. time's running out, fellas! the hostages grimace, hell not so far away. where's that car, jesus! what the. let the lady go, hancock. or all hell's going to break loose. come on out! hancock seizes his ears the bull horn testing his nerves. he bolts upright, turns to mary. he seeks a special kind of healing. hancock closes in - corners her. all hell's going to break loose! hancock recoils from this noise - in veritable pain. clutches his ear. i want his balls in a jar. chad. the others. they take a good look at him. in a fucking vice. this is the end of the line. there's no escape! where the fuck is chopper three? fuck the woman, this is armageddon. i want that bastard in a body bag. ted waves a "go-when-ready" sign. the rifleman steadies his high- powered weapon. fires.